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menuFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: June 25, 2009
For more information:
Bob Edwards
Public Relations Department Assistant
Glenville State College
Glenville, West Virginia
(304) 462-7361ext. 6390
Glenville, WV—There is still time to register for the 2009 Glenville State College Lady Pioneer Individual Basketball Camp. New GSC Head Coach Bunky Harkleroad has announced that the registration deadline for the camp has been extended until July 5, 2009.
The Lady Pioneer Individual Basketball Camp is open to girls in grades 5-12. The camp will be conducted by the new Lady Pioneer coaching staff and GSC athletes. There will be two sessions for the individual camp: July 8-12, and July 19-23. Cost of the camp is $230 for overnight campers, $180 for day and evening campers, and $130 for day only campers. For more information or to register, contact Coach Harkleroad at (859) 302-8188 or go to www.gscpioneers.com.