Glenville State College will be hosting an open house on Wednesday, July 21st at 9 a.m. in room 315 on the third floor of the Mollohan Campus Community Center to explain the new RBA Today initiative. Registration will begin at 8:30 a.m. This will be an excellent opportunity to learn more about the program and what it has to offer.
Since 1975, many West Virginia public colleges and universities have been offering the Regents Bachelor of Arts Degree Program (RBA). Coordinated by the West Virginia Higher Education Policy commission, the Regents Bachelor of Arts Degree is a non-traditional approach to a general studies baccalaureate developed specifically for the adult student whose pursuit of a college degree has been interrupted. Through this program, college credit can be awarded to students for work experience and alternative learning experiences that can count toward degree requirements. Rigid specialization requirements are not imposed for Regents Degree candidates.
Now, the RBA degree program is even better. Glenville State College is one of the institutions in the state that are offering an enhanced version of the program through an initiative called RBA Today. RBA Today offers students more flexibility and choices, including classes compressed into shorter time frames, options to receive credit for life and work experiences, and online, evening, and weekend classes. With the RBA, most of your previous college credit hours can be counted.
“Sometimes life circumstances simply prevent students from completing their college degree. The RBA is perfect for those students. The RBA Degree Program at Glenville State College is a great opportunity for you to finish that degree you left behind. The RBA Today initiative offers a more accessible avenue for you to complete that Bachelor Degree. Why wait to complete your college education, contact us today for further information. I will personally work with you and assist you in attaining your goal of a college education,” said Mary Alltop, GSC Educational Counselor and Coordinator of the RBA Program.
For further information about the RBA program or to RSVP for the open house by July 15th, contact Mary Alltop at or (304) 462-6152.
Thanks to RBA Today, there has never been a better time to go back to school and finish your degree.