FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 13, 2017
For More Information:
Glenville State College
Public Relations Department
(304) 462-4115
GLENVILLE, WV - On Friday, November 11 Glenville State College installed Dr. Tracy L. Pellett as its twenty-fourth President. With the installation of a new president comes a formal ceremony, an inauguration. This inauguration was attended by an academic procession of delegates from other colleges and universities, former GSC Presidents, government leaders, emeriti faculty, current faculty, staff, students, and members of the community. During the ceremony representatives from the U.S. House of Representatives, U.S. Congress, West Virginia State Senate and House of Delegates, City of Glenville, West Virginia’s Higher Education Policy Commission, the Mountain East Conference, and GSC’s Board of Governors, Alumni Association, and Foundation were on hand to welcome Dr. Pellett in addition to remarks on behalf of faculty, staff, and students.
Following the formal investiture where Dr. Pellett was presented with the College Mace and Presidential Medallion as symbols of the presidency, he delivered a brief address.
“To the most important people, the true future of this campus, and the group I am most honored to serve – our students – I say that I pledge my focus to you and I thank you for your support. While no one would argue the importance of students to a college campus, it is clear that in higher education our behaviors have not always supported this tenet. As states have continued to defund and disinvest in higher education, institutions have similarly raised tuition and fees to a rate that is disproportionate to that even subtracted from state funding. Glenville State was not immune to that behavior as it raised tuition the last ten years, becoming one of the most expensive institutions in West Virginia. There has been no greater time in our history where higher education and the dream of a more prosperous future has become more unattainable than today…and a major obstacle is the cost associated with going to college. Moving forward it will be critical that Glenville State play a central role in creating value and securing futures through affordable educational opportunities for all West Virginians. We must demonstrate that we are accountable, that we are worthy stewards of the people’s trust and money, and that we are committed to the awesome fiduciary responsibility of using the resources given to us to achieve the greatest public good…which is an educated citizenry,” Pellett said.
Pellett began serving as Glenville State College’s President on July 1, 2017 and came to GSC from the College of Coastal Georgia where he was serving as the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs.
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