As prices at the pump continue to rise, classes at GSC have begun to shorten. For the second summer session, classes only run four days a week as compared to the usual five. Many students during the summer session do not live on campus and commute from home. Even living within the city limits of Glenville, students face difficulties paying rising fuel costs to continue their education.
Dr. Kathy Butler, Provost and Senior Vice-President of Glenville State College said, “In an effort to be supportive of our students in light of current gas prices, we revised the summer school schedule to a four-day week instead of the traditional five-day week schedule. Each class session is lengthened by a few minutes in order to meet the required number of hours of classroom instruction.”
The decision to shorten the second summer session was in response to current circumstances and the caring attitude of the administration toward students. Butler added, “It was not an easy decision, but it is the right thing to do to help our students. We didn’t want to shortchange the instructional time; however, we wanted to be responsive to student needs. The modified schedule addressed both issues.”
The response from students was quite gratifying. Senior accounting Major Jeannie Flemming, a Ritchie County native who currently resides in Glenville said, “I believe that it is very nifty to only have class four days a week. It is rather swell that it helps us [students] conserve gasoline.” Senior Accounting Major Mandi James, who is taking two classes this summer session said, “It is a thoughtful idea, however, it doesn’t affect me since I work at the GSC Foundation Inc. office on campus.” James works there Monday through Friday.
Professors are also receptive to the shortening of courses. Dr. Ed Wood, Assistant Professor of History stated, “I think it is a good idea. I hope we can continue to offer this during a regular year. I think it would be great to offer something different for our students, something that would set us further apart from other schools.”
The second summer session will end on the 24th of July. Fall semester classes will begin August 18, 2008.