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GLENVILLE, WV - On Tuesday, August 9, Glenville State University President Dr. Mark A. Manchin welcomed faculty and staff back to campus for the beginning of the new academic year.
The opening meeting is held at the start of each semester and serves as a chance for all faculty and staff members to come together to reconnect, hear campus updates, and prepare for the upcoming term.
In addition to general campus updates from Manchin, opening meeting attendees also heard updates from various administrators on topics including enrollment, student life, athletics, academics, business and finance, facilities, fundraising, and advancement. New employees were also introduced to those in attendance.
“I cannot overemphasize the important role that we play here at Glenville State University. As the new semester begins, I want to remind everyone of the opportunity we’ve been given as educators. If we do it right, our students can go into this world with a better chance of being successful,” Manchin said at the meeting. “Our dedicated, hardworking faculty and staff are integral to what we do here, and it is my honor to be the President at Glenville State.”
Throughout the week, faculty members will have time to attend workshops on Brightspace, Glenville State’s learning management system, and DegreeWorks, the web-based degree monitoring system for students, in addition to various departmental meetings and other training sessions. Staff also have informational and training sessions scheduled.
Fall semester classes begin Monday, August 15.