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menuFor Immediate Release: October 21, 2016
For More Information:
Glenville State College
Public Relations Department
(304) 462-4115
GLENVILLE, WV – The public is invited to Mollohan’s Restaurant at Glenville State College on Thursday, October 27 from 4:30 until 7:00 p.m. for GSC’s Oktoberfest Premium Night.
The menu for the dinner includes: chicken cordon bleu with lemon, beef sauerbraten, grilled brats with sauerkraut, soft pretzels with cheese sauce and mustard, potato pancakes, spätzle station, braised red cabbage, steamed asparagus, German potato salad, full salad bar, wheat rolls, cheddar potato. Desserts for the special dinner will include: German chocolate cake, apple strudel, carrot cake, and cherry pie.
Costs for the Oktoberfest Premium Night are $ 14.00 for guests, $ 13.00 for seniors, $13.06 for GSC faculty and staff using Flex Dollars, $10.76 for GSC students using Flex Dollars, and $7.00 for children under 12.
Reservations are welcome and can be made by contacting the GSC Dining Services Office at (304) 462-6360. Reservations may be left on the voice mail.