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New Members added to Glenville State University Foundation Board
The Glenville State University Foundation Board has appointed two new members: John Law and Melissa O’Brien.
Law is a Lewis County native and a 1977 graduate of Glenville State College in Accounting, Management, and Political Science. He took over his father’s practice, John E. Law CPA, A.C., when he retired in 1992 and is now the President and Owner. In addition to his 35+ years in public accounting, he is a member of the West Virginia Society of Certified Public Accountants and a past President of the West Virginia Public Accountants Association. Law has served on several local boards and currently serves as a member of the Mon Health System, Mon Health Stonewall Jackson Hospital, and Lewis County Building Commission. He is also an active Rotarian.
“I have very fond memories of my time at Glenville. There is no doubt that the education provided by Glenville helped to prepare me both academically and socially for a successful career,” Law said.
O’Brien is the External Affairs Manager for Citynet. She earned a Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education degree from Glenville State College in 1998 and went on to obtain a Master of Arts degree in Special Education from West Virginia University. She also holds a certification in Leadership from Salem University. O’Brien began her professional career as a teacher in Roane County where she taught 10 years prior to becoming a director of multiple programs for 14 years. She left public education after 24 years of service to pursue opportunities in the private sector. There, O’Brien has served as Client and Community Development Manager for Thompson & Litton where she worked with communities on infrastructure project development and funding. She has also served as the Executive Director for the Mid-Ohio Valley Regional Council. She was elected to serve as a County Commissioner in Roane County for the 2013-2018 term; she was President of the Commission from 2016-2018. O’Brien continues to serve on a variety of boards that serve the community and state.
“Glenville State gave me such a strong foundation to begin my professional career and life. The education I received was second to none, but the support and guidance from teachers who nurtured a sense of confidence that I had never experienced has had a lifelong impact on me. GSU offers much more than a quality education, but an extended family. While I can never repay what I gained, I hope during my time as part of the GSU Foundation Board that I can have a small impact on the continual growth and impact that GSU makes in the lives of so many people,” O’Brien said.
The Glenville State University Foundation is focused on the raising of funds from non-state sources to assist Glenville State University in reaching its mission. The monies raised are then awarded to deserving students through annual scholarships and academic awards.
For more information about the GSU Foundation, contact (304) 462-6380.