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menuFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: October 10, 2014
For More Information:
Glenville State College
Public Relations Department
(304) 462-4115
GLENVILLE, WV - In accordance with tradition, the 2014 Glenville State College Homecoming Court was announced at the annual Coronation Ceremony on Monday, October 6th, and then presided over all of the following week’s events; including the homecoming dance, picnic, pep rally, parade, and Saturday football game.
KayDee Mansheim, a senior from Ripley, West Virginia who is majoring in psychology and sociology with a minor in behavioral disorders, was crowned queen. Mansheim is the daughter of Tim and Sheila Mansheim. In addition to participating in GSC's Pioneers for a Cause group, she also is a front desk worker in Goodwin Hall and works at a local daycare center. After completing her degree, she plans to work in an area that will allow her the opportunity to help children in difficult situations.
John Royce, a senior from Cleveland, Ohio who is majoring in psychology, was crowned king. He is the son of Carol Royce and serves as the Student Government Association secretary. He also is a member of Pioneers for a Cause, the Behavioral Science Club, GSC's Pioneer Baseball team, and serves as a Resident Assistant. After completing his degree at GSC, he plans to obtain a master's degree in criminal justice and work in probation at the federal level.
Senior Princesses included Chelsea Dorsey and Caitlin Gwinn. Dorsey, the daughter of Sara Legg of Summersville, West Virginia, is a music education major, a member of the National Association for Music Education, Kappa Delta Pi, GSC's Marching Band, Concert Choir, Chamber Singers, and is a Resident Assistant. She plans to live in Alaska and teach middle school music. Gwinn, the daughter of Tommy and Doris Gwinn of Summersville, West Virginia, is a psychology major and participates in community service activities at the VA Hospital in Clarksburg and with Boy Scout organizations. Her goal is to become a medical officer in the WV National Guard. She also wants to pursue a master's degree in social work and do therapy for young children.
Senior Princes included Kalleone Moret and Joseph Overbaugh. Moret, from Roanoke, Virginia, is a business management major, a member of the Pioneer Men's Basketball team, the Student Athletic Advisory Committee, and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. After completing his degree from GSC, he plans to obtain his master's degree in business administration. Overbaugh is the son of James and Ada Overbaugh of Mt. Zion, West Virginia. He is majoring in chemistry and physics education and is a member of Chi Beta Phi, the American Chemical Society, and GSC's Student Government Association. He also is a Hidden Promise Scholar and an Energy Express Mentor. After graduation, he intends to teach in West Virginia and become active in his community.
Junior royalty includes Princess Tia LeMaster and Prince Robert Hensley. LeMaster, of Bunker Hill, West Virginia, is the daughter of Mary and Jeff LeMaster. She is a biology and chemistry major, member of GSC's Lady Pioneer Softball team, Chi Beta Phi, and is a Hidden Promise Mentor. She plans to attend physician's assistant school and earn her master's degree to become a pediatric physician's assistant. Hensley, from Dundalk, Maryland, also serves as GSC's 2014-15 Pioneer Mascot. He is a math education major and a member of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Guild, Student Support Services, and participates in theater.
Sophomore royalty includes Princess Allegra Davis and Prince Tyler Cooper. Davis, from Salem, West Virginia, is the daughter of Jennifer Coban. She is a psychology/sociology major, participates in theater, and is a member of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Guild, Student Support Services, GSC's Student Government Association, and is a Hidden Promise Scholar. Cooper, of Bridgewater, Virginia, is the son of Don and Teresa Cooper. He is a criminal justice major and serves as the secretary for Sigma Omega Beta, is the treasurer of the Pioneer Shooting Club, and is a part of the GSC Honors Program. He intends to work in the federal criminal justice system after graduation.
Freshmen royalty includes Princess Rachel Clutter and Prince Trey Abbott. Clutter, of Webster Springs, West Virginia, is the daughter of George and Kelley Clutter. She is an early education major, a member of Alpha Theta Xi, and an Americorps member. Her future goal is to become the best teacher she can be and impact her students in a positive way. Abbott is the son of David and Kelly Abbott of Kenna, West Virginia. He is a forestry and environmental science major, member of the Glenville Environmental Club, and Science Fiction and Fantasy Guild. He also enjoys Brazilian Ju-Jitsu, weight-lifting, Army ROTC, and is the Assistant Scoutmaster for Troup 419. He plans to become a forester for Alpha Coal and build a log cabin home utilizing his forestry skills.