Glenville State College’s Land Resources Department students and faculty will be conducting the next phase of the school’s ‘Adopt Yeager Airport’ project on Wednesday, February 25, 2009. GSC Land Resources Department Program Chair Rick Sypolt said, “We will be scattering redbud seeds on steep slopes in the view shed of I-79 in hopes of seeing tree germination along with grasses being hydro-seeded later this spring as part of the reclamation process. “ Students and GSC Professor of Reclamation Milan Vavrek will also participate. The seeding will take place after the noon airport board meeting where GSC representatives will be recognized for their efforts to beautify the airport property. Glenville State College and Yeager Airport officials announced the college’s ‘Adopt An Airport’ project last September during a joint press conference. (Media may cover the airport meeting beginning at noon and/or the seeding by meeting GSC’s Major Gifts Officer Dr. Bob Henry Baber at 1:15 p.m. in front of the Yeager Airport Terminal to be directed to the seeding site.)