For Immediate Release: February 21, 2008
Contact: Annette Barnette
Public Relations & Marketing Director
Glenville State College
Glenville, West Virginia
(304) 462-4115
Glenville, WV - Glenville State College Theatre is presenting a collection of one-act plays about dating and relationships.
The curtain opens to a woman a little too anxious to be a bride. A surprise awaits her in the end. In the next offering, two friends meet on Valentine's Day. Neither are satisfied with how life is going, but they eventually find hope. In the final play, the audience members may feel they are attending a game show gone wrong as two people make numerous mistakes while attempting to get to know each other.
The production is directed by GSC Communications Professor Dennis Wemm. Shows begin at 7 p.m. on February 21st and 22nd in the Heflin Administration Building Presidents Auditorium. Performances are free for GSC students and only $3.00 for general admision. For more information, contact Wemm at (304) 462-7361x7323.