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menuFor more information: Annette Barnette
Public Relations & Marketing Director
Glenville State College
Glenville, West Virginia
(304) 462-6391
Glenville, WV – Rehearsals are underway for the Glenville State College Theatre production ‘Robin Hood.’ The play will run Wednesday, February 20th through Friday, February 22nd at 7:00 p.m. each night in the GSC Administration Building Presidents Auditorium.
The lead role of Robin Hood will be played by Shane Lehman, a junior English major from Fostoria, Ohio. Freshman biology major Vincent Nolte from Buckhannon (Upshur County), West Virginia will play Will Scarlet. Friar Tuck will be played by freshmen music education major Travis Pierson of Milton (Cabell County), West Virginia. Logan Carpenter, a sophomore elementary education major from Hacker Valley (Webster County), West Virginia will play Much Miller. The role of Little John will be filled by Brandon Nelson, a junior computer and information systems major from Glenville (Gilmer County), West Virginia. Marion will be played by GSC 2011 graduate and Hidden Promise Scholar Consortium Coordinator Whitney Stalnaker of Glenville (Gilmer County) West Virginia. Samantha Wolford, a junior mathematics education major from Buckhannon (Upshur County), West Virginia, will play the role of Gwendolyn. Cecily will be played by Jamie Stanley, a junior psychology major from Point Pleasant (Mason County), West Virginia. Junior natural resource management Brittany Ferguson of Glenville (Gilmer County), West Virginia will portray Alice. Kayla Jarvis, a freshman elementary education and early education major from Buckhannon (Upshur County), West Virginia, will play Gillian. Traci Kelley, a freshman criminal justice major from Buckhannon (Upshur County), West Virginia will perform as both Mathilda and Mrs. Aristocrat. The role of Peter will be played by Patrick Montgomery, a theater volunteer from Sand Fork (Gilmer County), West Virginia. Robert Hensley, a general studies freshman from Dundalk, Maryland, will play the role of both William Makepeace and Mr. Aristocrat. Jonathan and Jenny Summers will be played by Sebastian and Isabel Morris, theater volunteers and children of GSC Assistant Professor of Biology and Department Chair Dr.Gary Morris who is also in the production. All three are residents of Glenville (Gilmer County), West Virginia. Dr. Morris plays the role of Robert Summers and the Bishop of York. Prince John will be played by Elderied McKinney, a senior management major from West Bloomfield, Michigan. The Sheriff of Nottingham will be played by Eric W. Jones of Weston (Lewis County), West Virginia, a freshman management major. Jace Parker, a sophomore English education major from Weston (Lewis County), West Virginia will play the role of Bad Friar.
GSC Professor of Communications Dennis Wemm said, “The play will be presented in two formats. A longer version will take place in the evenings that will include the entire show and be geared toward college students and community members. A shorter free version will also take place for elementary school students during the daytime.”
Wemm says the story is about one of the greatest characters of English folk legend. It has been made into endless legends, story collections, plays, movies, ballets and operas. The performance is recommended for ages 13 to adult.
General admission is $3.00, and GSC students with IDs get in for free. For more information, contact Wemm at Dennis.Wemm@glenville.edu or call (304) 462-6323.
For more information: Annette Barnette
Public Relations & Marketing Director
Glenville State College
Glenville, West Virginia
(304) 462-6391