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Public Relations Department
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GLENVILLE, WV - Six Glenville State College education students and student teachers recently served as judges at the West Virginia Future Educators Association (FEA) Spring Competitive Events Conference. The conference, held at Stonewall Resort, was an opportunity for high school students to compete in topics that included children's literature, exploration of various educational careers, impromptu speaking, lesson planning, technology, and more.
"Our student judges are to be commended for their professionalism and poise. They were split up to judge several different categories ranging from autism to teacher retention." said Kathy Gilbert, GSC's Assistant Coordinator of Off-Campus Programming, who, along with Roberta Goff, the WV FEA State Advisor, arranged GSCâs participation. Students who attended included Cody Carnefix, Clair Gilbert, Stefanie Gladders, Hunter McWhorter, Jessica Parsons, and Jared Shipe.
"Many of our student judges are at the point in their own educational process that they are either student teaching or being interviewed. This experience gave them insight on what judges and interviewers are thinking, and the many variables involved in the process," Kathy continued.
"I enjoyed the competition aspect and hard work that all the groups put into their specific categories. Plus it was a great networking experience by being able to work with a diverse panel of judges selected from across the state. This allowed me to represent the education that I have gained at Glenville State College and showcase some of the skills that I have developed," said Shipe who is a GSC Social Studies (5-Adult) major and student intern.
"The conference was a great experience for me. It was completely different being the judge and not the one being judged. The students were wonderful and extremely professional and the conference made me even more excited to start my teaching journey," said GSC English Education (5-Adult) major Clair Gilbert.
In addition to the competitions, the GSC group also heard a speech from 2015 West Virginia Teacher of the Year, Gail Adams, who has been a teacher for a decade and currently works at Wheeling Park High School.
"I truly appreciate the hard work that Kathy Gilbert and the students from Glenville State College did during the FEA Spring Competitive Events Conference. Each person made the FEA competitors realize the importance of the competition and treated each student or group of students fairly and honestly. Each of the student judges were professional and represented Glenville State College well. It was wonderful to have the support of the best teacherâs college and for the high school students to see a future for themselves," said Goff.
For more information about off-campus courses through GSC, contact Kathy Gilbert at (304) 462-6124. To learn more about teacher education programs, call (304) 462-4119.