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Glenville State College
Glenville, WV
(304) 462-6390
GLENVILLE, WVâTwenty-seven Glenville State College students have completed their student teaching internships at various public schools throughout the area.
Alisha Ashley Abbott completed her student teaching in English (5-adult) at Calhoun County Middle High School with Jeremy Johnson and David Weese and at Walton Middle School with Pam OâBrein. Dr. Shara Curry and Dr. Melody Wise were Abbottâs GSC supervisors. She is the daughter of Robie and Vicky Abbott of Gandeeville (Roane County), West Virginia.
Katrina Nicole Adkins completed her student teaching in English (5-adult) at Gilmer County High School with Grace Wine and Traci Evans. Don Sheets and Dr. Melody Wise were Adkinsâ GSC supervisors. She is the daughter of Chris and Trina Adkins of Clay (Clay County), West Virginia.
Cary C. Barlow completed his student teaching in Social Studies (5-adult) at Braxton County Middle School with Lori Dittman and at Braxton County High School with John Drake. Don Sheets was Barlowâs GSC supervisor. He is the son of Jason and Lori Rosenburg of Troy (Gilmer County), West Virginia.
Brittany Ann Bayless completed her student teaching in Elementary Education (K-6) and General Math-Algebra I (5-9) at Gauley River Elementary School with Rose Gordon and at Summersville Middle School with Jennifer Davis. Frances Fry was Baylessâ GSC supervisor. She is the daughter of Allen and Kelly Bayless of Craigsville (Nicholas County), West Virginia.
Matthew Ryan Brohard completed his student teaching in Social Studies (5-adult) at Gilmer County High School with Lindsey Bush and Karen McClain. Don Sheets was Brohardâs GSC supervisor. He is the son of Marvin and Melinda Brohard of Spencer (Roane County), West Virginia.
Laura Young Brown completed her student teaching in Elementary Education (K-6) and General Math-Algebra I (5-9) at Summersville Elementary School with Aime Thomas, at Richwood Middle School with Lutrisha Little, and at Richwood High School with Brian McPherson. Frances Fry and Joseph Wood were Brownâs GSC supervisors. She is the daughter of Don Blake and Carol Young of Summersville (Nicholas County), West Virginia. She is married to Robert Brown of Summersville, West Virginia. Together they have three children Makenna and Raegan Brown and Sydney Lycans.
Jacob Daniel Clevenger completed his student teaching in English (5-adult) at Lewis County High School with Debbie Wyman and at Ritchie County Middle School with Melanie Davis. Dr. John Taylor, Dr. Melody Wise, and Dr. Shara Curry were Clevengerâs GSC supervisors. He is the son of Daniel and Mary Lou Clevenger of Smithville (Ritchie County), West Virginia.
Shelby Lynn Colson completed her student teaching in Health & Physical Education (PreK-adult) at Parkersburg High School with Chris Way and at Mineral Wells Elementary School with Joe Kiger. Dr. Shara Curry and Janet Bailey were Colsonâs GSC supervisors. She is the daughter of Mike and Stacy Colson of Brazil, Indiana.
Myra Dawn Hartman completed her student teaching in Multi-Categorical Special Education (K-6), Elementary Education (K-6), and Early Education (PreK-K) at Doddridge County Elementary School with Trista Murphy and Mendi Leggett. Shelly Ratliff and Tara Cosco were Hartmanâs GSC supervisors. She is the daughter of Roy and Pamela Hartman of Franklin (Pendleton County), West Virginia.
Katelyn Michelle Lake completed her student teaching in Elementary Education (K-6) and Early Education (PreK-K) at Flatwoods Elementary School with Betty Taylor and Michelle Wilson. Frances Fry was Lakeâs GSC supervisor. She is the daughter of Cecil and Linda Lake of Hacker Valley (Webster County), West Virginia.
Sarah Jo Lewis completed her student teaching in Early Education (PreK-K) and Elementary Education (K-6) at Union Elementary School with Jessica Thompson and Megan Bacorn. Dr. John Taylor and Shelly Ratliff were Lewisâ GSC supervisors. She is the daughter of Jerry and Brenda Lewis of Buckhannon (Upshur County), West Virginia.
Tate Michael Linder completed his student teaching in Health & Physical Education (PreK-adult) at Mineral Wells Elementary with Joe Kiger and at Parkersburg High School with Chris Way. Dr. Shara Curry and Janet Bailey were Linderâs GSC supervisors. He is the son of Mike and Connie Linder of Mineral Wells (Wood County), West Virginia.
Sara Danielle Linger completed her student teaching in Elementary Education (K-6) and Multi-Categorical Special Education (K-6) at Normantown Elementary School with Tena Church and at Flatwoods Elementary School with Suzanne Wine. Tara Cosco was Lingerâs GSC supervisors. She is the daughter of Jeff and Tedra Linger of Walkersville (Lewis County), West Virginia.
Howard âTreyâ O. Meeks III completed his student teaching in Business Education (5-adult) and General Math-Algebra I (5-9) at Parkersburg High School with Barry Khul and at Blennerhassett Middle School with Derek Oilfield. Dr. Shara Curry, Dr. Sherry Jones, and Joseph Wood were Meeksâ GSC supervisors. He is the son Howard and April Meeks of St. Marys (Pleasant County), West Virginia.
Kathleen Hope Morris completed her student teaching in Elementary Education (K-6) and Early Education (PreK-K) at Glenville Elementary School with Susan Chapman and Julie Perrin. Shelly Ratliff was Morrisâ GSC supervisor. She is the daughter of Robert and Jenny Morris of South Charleston (Kanawha County), West Virginia.
Stephanie Dawn Myer completed her student teaching in Elementary Education (K-6) at Normantown Elementary School with Julie Allen and Debbie Shiflet and at Troy Elementary School with Isac Osborne. Tara Cosco and Dr. John Taylor were Myerâs GSC supervisors. She is the daughter of Jeff and Beth Myer of Wilbur (Tyler County), West Virginia.
Siona Nicole Osborne completed her student teaching in Business Education (5-adult) at Gilmer County High School with Lora Chapman. Dr. Sherry Jones and Dr. Kevin Cain were Osborneâs GSC supervisors. She is the daughter of Cathy Gibson of Auburn (Ritchie County), West Virginia. She has a son, Darren Lanham.
Amanda Justice Perry completed her student teaching in Elementary Education (K-6) and Early Education (PreK-K) at Glade Creek Elementary School with Delia Tinney and Michele Vickers. Frances Fry was Perryâs GSC supervisor. She is the daughter of Pat and Debbie Justice of Lyonsville (Nicholas), West Virginia. She is married to John Perry of Summersville, West Virginia. They have two children Madison and Carmen Spencer.
Shereé Danielle Raines completed her student teaching in Elementary Education (K-6) and Early Education (PreK-K) at Sand Fork Elementary School with Sharon Jones and Tanya Stewart. Shelly Ratliff was Rainesâ GSC supervisor. She is the daughter of Philip and Tammy Raines of Walton (Roane County), West Virginia.
Jon Arron Rasnick completed his student teaching in Health & Physical Education (PreK-adult) at Troy Elementary School and Normantown Elementary School with Amy Chapman and at Gilmer County High School with Waylon Kincaid. Janet Bailey was Rasnickâs GSC supervisor. He is the son of Roger and Jan Rasnick of Orange, Virginia.
Kayla Dawn Roberts completed her student teaching in Elementary Education (K-6) and in Multi-Categorical Special Education (K-6) at Wirt County Primary Center with Luann Ayers and Brandi Criss-Johns. Tara Cosco was Robertâs GSC supervisor. She is the daughter of Rodney and Connie Roberts of Mineral Wells (Wood County), West Virginia.
Charles R. Smith completed his student teaching in Social Studies (5-adult) at Buckhannon Upshur High School with Brent Kimble and at Buckhannon Upshur Middle School with Tim Bennett. Dr. John Taylor was Smithâs GSC supervisor. He is the son of Chuck and Carol Smith of Buckhannon (Upshur County), West Virginia.
Regina Dawn Thomas completed her student teaching in Elementary Education (K-6) at Summersville Elementary School with Beverly Rylant and Mary Dorsey. Frances Fry was Thomasâ GSC supervisor. She is the daughter of Jim and Loretta Gomez of Racine (Boone County), West Virginia. She is married to Ron Thomas of Mount Nebo (Nicholas County), West Virginia. Together they have two children Ryon and Rayse.
Rachael Michelle Tomblin completed her student teaching in Elementary Education (K-6) and Early Education (PreK-K) at Sand Fork Elementary School with Crystal Conrad and Carrie Mann. Shelly Ratliff was Tomblinâs GSC supervisor. She is the daughter of Johnny and Robin James of Normantown (Gilmer County), West Virginia. She is married to Ryan Tomblin of Sand Fork, West Virginia. Together they have one child, Ryder.
Samantha Kelly Vance completed her student teaching in Early Education (PreK-K) at Gauley River Elementary School with Teresa Brown and Rose Gordon. Frances Fry was Vanceâs GSC supervisor. She is the daughter of Richard and Beth Vance of Craigsville (Nicholas County), West Virginia.
Loretta âNikkiâ Whytsell completed her student teaching in Elementary Education (K-6) and in Early Education (PreK-K) at Smithville Elementary School teaching with Kristin Stewart and Betsy Wells. Shelly Ratliff was Whytsellâs GSC supervisor. She is the daughter of Richard Whytsell and Kelly Church of Grantsville (Calhoun County), West Virginia.
Katherine Joan Williams completed her student teaching in Elementary Education (K-6) and Multi-Categorical Special Education (K-6) at Glenville Elementary School with Amanda Poole and at Burnsville Elementary School with Megan Facemire. Tara Cosco was Williamsâ GSC supervisor. She is the daughter of Terry and Carol Williams of Spencer (Roane County), West Virginia. She also received the Outstanding Student Teacher Award for Spring 2014.
These students received their degrees at the 140th Glenville State College Commencement Ceremony on Saturday, May 10, 2014 in GSCâs Waco Center.
For more information about the Teacher Education Program at Glenville State College, contact (304) 462-4119.