FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 20, 2017
For More Information:
Glenville State College
Public Relations Department
(304) 462-4115
GLENVILLE, WV - Glenville State Collegeâs annual Career Fair is scheduled for Tuesday, February 21 from 9:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. in the Mollohan Campus Community Center Ballroom.
The Career Fair provides area business representatives with opportunities to meet many talented students who will be graduating in May and other recent college graduates who are ready to begin their careers. Representatives from the following employers and graduate schools are scheduled to attend:
Employment, Internships, Other:
Allegheny Wood Products
Camp Hidden Meadows
Cedar Creek State Park
Dieffenback & Hritz
Grant County Schools
Greenbrier County Schools
KEI Study Abroad
KVC Behavioral Healthcare
North Central Regional Jail
Peace Corps
Pendleton County Schools
Saint Marys Correctional Center
Tygart Valley Regional Jail
Tyler County Schools
U.S. Air Force
U.S. Forest Service
U.S. Marine Corps
United Bank
Upward Bound at Salem International University
Veterans Affairs
West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources
West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources - Webster District
West Virginia Division of Natural Resources
WV Army National Guard
WV Division of Corrections Parole Services
WV Division of Personnel
WV Division of Rehabilitation Services
Continuing Education:
Alderson Broaddus University
Concord University Master of Social Work Program
University of Charleston
West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine
West Virginia University College of Business and Economics
West Virginia University College of Physical Activity and Sports Science
West Virginia University Reed College of Media
West Virginia University School of Medicine
Wheeling Jesuit
Students who plan to attend are reminded to dress professionally and bring several copies of their resume.
For more information about the Career Fair, contact (304) 462-6155.