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menuThe votes have been cast, and the results are in for the recent election of officers for the Glenville State College Student Government Association. 2006-2007 GSC SGA President Jamie Field, said, “The 2007-2008 SGA officers will take office after the Installation Banquet which will be held on March 27th.”
The new SGA officers will be President Donte Fuller (pictured), Vice-President Tashua Allman, Secretary Alex Lay, Treasurer Jessica Jaffre, Parliamentarian Tony Minney, Senior Representative Kyre-Anna Bartz, Junior Representative Holli Owens, Sophomore Representative Ashley Carper, Freshman Representative (to be elected in the Fall), and Senator-At-Large Kelly Clevenger.
Field said, “Two Commuter Representative positions, one Non-Traditional Representative position, and three Senator-At-Large positions are all still open. All write-in votes that were accepted during the recent elections will be submitted to the incoming SGA for consideration.”
Field says students who are interested in running for the vacancies should contact him by e-mail at field.jamie@glenville.edu or by telephone at (304) 462-6410.