Glenville State College is offering ten college courses this fall at the Braxton County Center, located in the annex of Braxton County High School. “We are very pleased that we will be offering ten off-campus courses each semester at the Braxton County Center. These classes certainly make it easier for more people to take advantage of the educational opportunities of Glenville State College. The number of individuals enrolling in these off-campus classes continues to grow,” said Bo Sellers, Coordinator of Off-Campus Programming for GSC.
GSC is offering the following courses at the Braxton County Center for the Fall 2008 semester: Introduction to Business (BUSN 100, M 4-6:50 PM), Introduction to Criminal Justice System (CRJU 111, T 4-6:50 PM), Police Practice and Procedures (CRJU 222, T 7-9:50 PM), Critical Reading and Writing ll (ENGL 102, W 4-6:50 PM), United States History to 1877 (HIST 207, Th 4-6:50 PM), Contemporary Computer Applications (CSCI 101, W 4-6:50 PM), College Algebra (MATH 102, M 4-6:50 PM), Small Business Management (MGMT 202, Th 4-6:50 PM), General Psychology (PSYC 201, T 4-6:50 PM), Social Psychology (PSYC 330, T 7-9:50 PM).
Classes will begin on Monday, August 18th, 2008. Pre-registration will take place at the Braxton County Center on Friday, July 11th from 4-6 p.m.; students may also register through the first evening of classes. For more information contact, Bo Sellers at (304) 462-4117 ext. 7124, 1-800-924-2010, or