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Glenville State College
Public Relations Department
(304) 462-4115
GLENVILLE, WV - Held annually in April, the spring Joint Leadership Development Exercise (JLDX) typically takes place among the three West Virginia college Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) battalions. Those being the battalions from West Virginia University, Marshall University, and the 'Yellow Jacket Battalion' which is comprised of units from West Virginia State University, Glenville State College, the University of Charleston, and West Virginia University Institute of Technology. The JLDX typically is held at Camp Dawson, but was held in Pennsylvania this year. Using Fort Indiantown Gap as a launching pad, the Cadets and Cadre conducted a Staff Ride at Gettysburg and made visits to the United States Army War College and Heritage Center in Carlisle.
As part of the Staff Ride, the three ROTC battalions broke down research of the Gettysburg conflict by focusing on a single day of the battle. They then had an opportunity to train and highlight the more significant details such as logistics, political events surrounding the conflict, technology and tactics, and more. A Staff Ride is an opportunity for members of a military organization to study historic operations and apply current principles, all while fostering a sense of camaraderie with soldiers of the past. During the field phase of the event, participants travel to the site and apply their military knowledge to what they learned from research conducted in the Staff Rideâs earlier phases. The Battle of Gettysburg was the critical three day conflict which served as the turning point for the Civil War in July 1863.
The Cadets also were afforded an opportunity to visit the U.S. Army War College where a board of Colonels briefed the future Lieutenants on everything from expectations of a newly commissioned officer to current events within the Department of Defense. A portion of the briefing that elicited much interest was a question and answer session between the Cadets and the Colonels. Following this, the Cadets made their way to the Heritage Center and learned how the Army is preserving critical documents, uniforms, and displaying military artifacts for all to appreciate.
"This was by far one of the best learning leadership exercises that I've done in my ROTC career and it has truly shown me a better explanation of mission command," said GSC cadet Travis Nesbitt. Fellow cadet Caitlin Gwinn agreed. "Being at Gettysburg was a great experience. It's one thing to read about it and study it in books, but is a completely different experience to be there in person and apply what you've learned. To be on the same field where so many men gave their lives for what they believed in was humbling," she stated.
For more information about this event or the Glenville State College ROTC program, contact Staff Sergeant James Brewer at James.Brewer@glenville.edu or (304) 462-6285.