For more information:
Bob Edwards
Public Relations Department Assistant
Glenville State College
Glenville, West Virginia
(304) 462-7361x7610
Glenville, WV—The American Cancer Society 2008 Relay for Life will take place on Saturday, June 28th from noon until midnight at Morris Stadium on the GSC campus. The Glenville State College Relay for Life team, GSC Stars of Hope, has already started working toward the 2008 event. This will be the third year that the GSC Stars of Hope have participated in the Relay for Life.
The Gilmer County Relay for Life collected $42,383 in last year’s event. The 2008 goal is $41,000. In 2007 the GSC Stars of Hope raised over $3,600 for the ACS and are hoping to surpass that this year.
The GSC team has already started their fundraising efforts. There is an ongoing sale of baked goods and snacks in the LBH Break Room. Paper Cure Steps are on sale for $1. On Wednesday, March 12th from 11:30 to 1:00 they will be selling Chicken tortilla soup made by GSC Professor of Music Lloyd Bone. Lunch is just $3 and includes soup, homemade corn bread and beverage. Silent auction bids will be accepted from March 19th until noon on April 2nd. Plans are being made for several other fundraisers as well.
The GSC Stars of Hope are trying to encourage everyone in the Pioneer Family to join the team and help in the goal of ‘Unmasking a Cure,’ the theme of this year’s relay. Everyone can help the team effort in some way. There is a participation fee of $10 that includes a 2008 Relay for Life T-shirt. It is easy to sign up for the GSC Stars of Hope at\rflgilmerwv. New team members can sign up until April 1st.
For more information on how you can help or join the GSC Stars of Hope Relay for Life Team, contact Team Captain Melissa Jedamski in the GSC Cashier’s office or call 462-7361 ext. 7510.