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menuThe Glenville State College Relay for Life Kickoff has been scheduled for Tuesday, November 30th at 12:30 p.m. in the Rusty Musket Cyber Café. The event will recognize those who have survived cancer as well as those still fighting cancer. The theme for GSC’s Relay this year will be ‘Survivor,’ based off the hit television show.
“I Relay for my grandmother who is a survivor of breast cancer. This is our third Relay at Glenville State which is about spreading cancer awareness and coming together in hope to one day find a cure for cancer, and also having fun while doing it,” said GSC Relay for Life Co-Chair Katie Morris of South Charleston (Kanawha County).
“The reason I Relay is to eliminate cancer as a death sentence. Last year we raised $8, 000 for the American Cancer Society and this year we are hoping to reach $10, 000,” said GSC Relay for Life Co-Chair Melissa Pursley of Parkersburg (Wood County).
If you would like to donate time, money, supplies, etc to the event, contact the GSC Relay for Life Committee at gsc_relay@yahoo.com or on their Facebook page, GSC Relay for Life. You can go online at events.cancer.org/glenvillestaterelay to make a money donation.