For More Information:
Glenville State College
Public Relations Department
(304) 462-4115
GLENVILLE, WV - Jason Barr, Assistant Professor of Music at Glenville State College, will hold a free performance at the Gilmer County Historical Society on Thursday, July 17th. Barr's appearance at the meeting will provide the audience with a brief musical history of jazz.
"I'll be providing historical perspective of jazz and playing some examples of the styles. From Dixieland and its Louisiana roots to current jazz influences in hip hop, I think listeners will get a good overview," said Barr.
Barr teaches music theory and general music education classes, gives private saxophone lessons, and has started up a jazz combo and saxophone quartet with students at GSC. He also has fifteen years of experience as part of the house band for the Myrtle Beach House of Blues.
The Gilmer County Historical Society Annex is located at 302 East Main Street in Glenville. The musical performance will follow a potluck lunch that will begin at 12:30 p.m. The event is free and open to the public.
For more information about the Gilmer County Historical Society, contact Dot Frey at (304) 462-4295.
For more information about any of Barrs' courses at GSC, contact him at (304) 462-6350.