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For More Information: Annette Barnette
Public Relations & Marketing Director
Glenville State College
(304) 462-4115
The American Cancer Society Relay for Life has over 3.5 million people from 4,800 communities fighting together to eliminate cancer in our lifetime. Glenville State College is a part of this fight. The campus relay team, GSC Stars of Hope, has been working to raise money since the last Relay for Life on July 7, 2006. The team has had four lunches, a perpetual bake sale, two silent auctions, and a 50/50 ticket sale. “The perpetual bake sale has been the best fund raiser so far,” said team leader Karen Lay, who is also GSC’s Financial Aid Director.
The campus team has made around $2,300 so far for this year’s Gilmer County Relay for Life. Lay said, “The Relay for Life is a way the college can help and be a part of a good community event.” The college’s dining service, Aramark, has decided that they will donate a portion of their proceeds from their Mother’s Day brunch to the relay. The college’s bookstore has also been helpful by selling bracelets and the Relay for Life paper feet.
GSC will participate in the Gilmer County Relay for Life on July 13, 2007 at the I.L Morris Stadium. During this event, at 10:00 pm, the Luminaria Ceremony will begin. The Luminaria is a bag with a candle inside dedicated in honor of a cancer survivor or in memory of a loved one lost from cancer. When lit, the Luminaria will brighten the way for Relay for Life walkers throughout the night.
“It’s not too late to participate,” Lay commented, and it’s not. For more information on how you can participate in the Relay for Life, or if you would like to donate to the fight against cancer, contact Lay at (304) 462-4103, ext. 5 or visit www.acsevents.org/gilmerrelay.