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Glenville State College
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(304) 462-4115
GLENVILLE, WV - Attending and working at Glenville State College isn't all work and no play as one father-son pair has proven. Tom Snyder and his son Thomas participated in the West Virginia Governor's One Shot Whitetail Hunt as guides over a recent weekend. Tom works in the Land Resources Department as an Academic Laboratory Instructional Assistant and Thomas is a senior forest technology major.
Now in its ninth year, the West Virginia Governor's One Shot Whitetail Hunt benefits the Hunters Helping the Hungry (HHH) Program. The event is supported by the West Virginia Division of Natural Resources, volunteers from the private business sector, and the individuals who act as guides for participating hunters. All hunting takes place on private land so as not to interfere with other hunters. Only antlerless deer are harvested and all venison generated during the hunt is donated directly to the HHH program, usually through the Mountaineer Food Bank.
"I got the call out of the blue to participate as a guide. I was asked to replace someone who wasn't going to be available at the last minute and Thomas and I jumped at the chance. And, as it turned out, the team that we were guiding ended up winning first place," the senior Snyder said.
In addition to having an enjoyable weekend in the woods, the Snyder's also got the chance to meet Brigadier General Chuck Yeager (ret) and Senator Joe Manchin. Additionally, they were able to connect with other attendees at the event, including several GSC grads that were at the Governor's One Shot as employees of the WV DNR, one of the sponsoring companies, or participating as one of the hunting teams.