Glenville State College will be offering four off-campus courses this fall at New River Community and Technical College in Summersville. The classes are the first being offered through an articulation agreement between GSC and NRCTC that allows students to earn a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Education.
Under this program, students who earn their paraprofessional certificate and complete sixty-five credit hours at New River Community and Technical College can finish their degree at GSC. The agreement between the two institutions allows Glenville State College to offer classes at the Summersville campus of NRCTC for these students.
Glenville State College is offering the following classes at NRCTC for the Fall 2008 semester: West Virginia and Appalachian Region (HIST 303, M 5-7:50 PM), Art Methods for Elementary Education Majors (ART 330, W 5-7:50 PM), Early Childhood Development (EDUC 213, T 5-7:50 PM), Introduction to Early Education (EDUC 218, Th 5-7:50 PM).
An informational meeting and preregistration will be held in the NRCTC commons area on Wednesday, June 25th at 10 a.m. For more information contact Bo Sellers, Coordinator of Off-Campus Programming at (304) 462-4117 ext. 7124 or toll free at 1-800-924-2010.