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menuThe Glenville State College American Humanics Program has changed its name as a result of a two-year national rebranding effort by American Humanics, Inc. headquartered in Kansas City, Mo. The name change to Nonprofit Leadership Alliance, reflects the increased interest in nonprofit leadership programs across the country and solidifies the relationship between the organization name and mission.
The 62-year-old organization provides certification for nonprofit management and leadership skills development. The Nonprofit Leadership Alliance (formerly American Humanics) currently enrolls almost 3,000 students nationwide who are preparing for nonprofit management and leadership careers.
Glenville State College has been affiliated with Nonprofit Leadership Alliance since August 2009. Even in the program’s infancy, eight students are actively seeking certification through the Alliance while 30 students have enrolled in coursework in anticipation of earning a minor in Nonprofit Leadership and Management through Glenville State College, according to Meredith Gillett the GSC Nonprofit Leadership Alliance Coordinator.
“As an alumna of the American Humanics Program, it is difficult to let go of tradition and transition to a new name,” states Gillett. “However Nonprofit Leadership Alliance better characterizes the organization with whom we are affiliated and will require less explanation to potential students and the community.”
For more information about the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance program at GSC, contact Gillett at (304) 462-6260 or meredith.gillett@glenville.edu.