For more information:
Bob Edwards
Public Relations Department assistant
Glenville State College
Glenville, West Virginia
(304) 462-7361x7610
Glenville, WV--Lloyd Bone, Chairman of the Glenville State College Fine Arts Department and Professor of Music, was one of seven judgesat the 2007 Williamstown High School Festival of Bands. Bone was the only College or University Professor that was invited to be a judge at the event, which was held on Saturday, October 6th in Williamstown, West Virginia. The festival featured nine high school bands from around the state including several from the Parkersburg area. Bone judged the field commanders in the competition.
Professor Bone took advantage of the event by setting up a GSC information booth at the festival for interested persons to learn more about Glenville State College and the GSC Music Department. GSC was the only school represented at the festival, and many prospective students, parents, and interested members of the community stopped by. Greg Lamecker, A GSC music education major, who is currently student teaching at Williamstown High School, also was at the booth to answer questions about GSC. âThis was a great publicity opportunity for Glenville State College. There were nine bands, several with over one hundred members, including some of the finer bands in the state, along with hundreds of parents, Families, and friends,â said Bone.
For more information about the Fine Arts Department at Glenville State College, contact Lloyd Bone at (304) 462-7361 ext. 7340.