For Immediate Release: April 22, 2013
Contact: Annette Barnette
Public Relations & Marketing Director
Glenville State College
Glenville, WV
(304) 462-6391
Glenville WV - The 6th Annual Glenville State College Juried Student Art Show is open through May 3rd in the GSC Fine Arts Center Gallery.
GSC Assistant Professor of Art Liza Brenner said, “Every year, the competition for this show becomes more competitive. I feel just getting into the show is a real honor. The judges did a great job selecting the work and also creating a very cohesive show with a somewhat dark theme.”
Fifty-seven works of art were submitted to the judges for their deliberation this year. Twenty-five pieces of two-dimensional art were submitted as well as sixteen three-dimensional pieces. Forty-one works were chosen to be displayed in the gallery.
There are a variety of mediums in the gallery as well. Traditional drawings, paintings, and photography line the walls while handmade creations fill the remainder of the room.
The winning submissions for this year’s gallery were announced during the opening reception on March 25th. The Provost’s Award went to Amber Lane, a senior GSC marketing major from Glenville (Gilmer County), West Virginia. First place went to Toni Doman, a sophomore business major from Cameron (Marshall County), West Virginia. Second Place went to Jullian Malone, a sophomore studio art major from Alum Bridge (Lewis County), West Virginia. The third place winner was Asa Witte, a junior psychology and sociology major from Coxs Mills (Gilmer County), West Virgina. Honorable Mention was awarded to Elora Shock, a senior studio art major from Rosedale (Braxton County), West Virginia. The Linda Abraham Memorial Award was granted Alizabeth Bailey, a freshman interdisciplinary studies student from Hinton (Summers County), West Virginia.
“I’ve been coming to the gallery shows for many years. The judges did a great job at creating a theme, and the whole gallery feels like it all goes together well,” said senior GSC art major Sarah Norman of Glenville (Gilmer County), West Virginia.
The public is invited to visit the gallery and enjoy the creative works on display.
For more information, contact Brenner at Liza.Brenner@glenville.edu or (304) 462-6346 or Sheri Skidmore in the GSC Fine Arts Department at Sheri.Skidmore@glenville.edu or (304) 462-4130.
For Immediate Release: April 22, 2013
Contact: Annette Barnette
Public Relations & Marketing Director
Glenville State College
Glenville, WV
(304) 462-6391
GSC Juried Student Art Show Winners Announced
Marshall County Resident Takes First Place in GSC Juried Student Art Show
Lewis County Resident Wins GSC Art Show Award
Braxton County Resident Wins GSC Art Show Award
Summers County Resident Wins GSC Art Show Award
Glenville WV - The 6th Annual Glenville State College Juried Student Art Show is open through May 3rd in the GSC Fine Arts Center Gallery.
GSC Assistant Professor of Art Liza Brenner said, “Every year, the competition for this show becomes more competitive. I feel just getting into the show is a real honor. The judges did a great job selecting the work and also creating a very cohesive show with a somewhat dark theme.”
Fifty-seven works of art were submitted to the judges for their deliberation this year. Twenty-five pieces of two-dimensional art were submitted as well as sixteen three-dimensional pieces. Forty-one works were chosen to be displayed in the gallery.
There are a variety of mediums in the gallery as well. Traditional drawings, paintings, and photography line the walls while handmade creations fill the remainder of the room.
The winning submissions for this year’s gallery were announced during the opening reception on March 25th. The Provost’s Award went to Amber Lane, a senior GSC marketing major from Glenville (Gilmer County), West Virginia. First place went to Toni Doman, a sophomore business major from Cameron (Marshall County), West Virginia. Second Place went to Jullian Malone, a sophomore studio art major from Alum Bridge (Lewis County), West Virginia. The third place winner was Asa Witte, a junior psychology and sociology major from Coxs Mills (Gilmer County), West Virgina. Honorable Mention was awarded to Elora Shock, a senior studio art major from Rosedale (Braxton County), West Virginia. The Linda Abraham Memorial Award was granted Alizabeth Bailey, a freshman interdisciplinary studies student from Hinton (Summers County), West Virginia.
“I’ve been coming to the gallery shows for many years. The judges did a great job at creating a theme, and the whole gallery feels like it all goes together well,” said senior GSC art major Sarah Norman of Glenville (Gilmer County), West Virginia.
The public is invited to visit the gallery and enjoy the creative works on display.
For more information, contact Brenner at Liza.Brenner@glenville.edu or (304) 462-6346 or Sheri Skidmore in the GSC Fine Arts Department at Sheri.Skidmore@glenville.edu or (304) 462-4130.