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GLENVILLE, WV – Glenville State College’s December Commencement Exercises took place on Saturday, December 9 in the college’s Fine Arts Center Auditorium.
A ceremony was held at 11:00 a.m. for students graduating in the areas of Elementary Education, Biology, Biology Education, Chemistry, Chemistry Education, General Science Education, Health and Human Performance, Mathematics Education, and Natural Resource Management.
A similar ceremony took place at 2:00 p.m. for students graduating in the areas of Art, Behavioral Science, Business, Criminal Justice, English Education, English, General Studies, History, Music, Music Education, Social Studies Education, and Regents Bachelor of Arts.
The group, made up of approximately 110 students in total, included those who have completed their degree requirements in July and December 2017.
The students come from throughout West Virginia as well as eleven other states (Arkansas, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Minnesota, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, and Virginia) and Washington, D.C.
Glenville State College President Dr. Tracy L. Pellett delivered the keynote address to those assembled for the Commencement Exercises.
Scenes from December Commencement 2017
“You’ve added value to your name, you’ve earned capital beyond any dollar and cents amount. This capital is a testament to your persistence, your will to overcome obstacles, and persevere despite challenges that at times probably seemed overwhelming. After this ceremony you’ll be entitled to display your success after your signature followed by a suffix; either A.S., B.S., or B.A. That suffix appends stature to your name; it is a clear sign to those around you that you have accomplished a challenging task overtime, you have a focused outlook, and that you can be a critical, collaborative, analytical, and deliberative thinker,” Pellett said.
He also stressed the theme of time throughout his remarks, advising the graduates to make time, take time, steal time, avoid wasting time, and allowing themselves to treasure time.
Spring semester classes at GSC will begin on Monday, January 8, 2018. For information on enrolling and beginning your journey as a GSC Pioneer, contact the Glenville State College Office of Admissions at or (304) 462-6130.