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(l-r) Constitution Day essay contest participants Jacob Price, Teddy Richardson, and Lucas Bonnett
GLENVILLE, WV - The Glenville State College Department of Social Science held its annual Constitution Day program and essay contest on Thursday, September 21. The event was to commemorate the signing of the United States Constitution on September 17, 1787 and was sponsored by the Pi Gamma Mu Social Sciences Honor Society, and the Alpha Xi Omega fraternity. Several GSC employees spoke to those in attendance, including Financial Aid Manager Stephany Harper, who discussed the importance of voting and explained how to register to vote, and Department of Business Administrative Secretary Sara Rollins, who spoke about recycling initiatives on campus and how a little help can go a long way.
The theme for this year's essay contest and keynote address was, "The Constitution and Service to our Country." Three students received awards for their essays: Teddy Richardson, who won first place, and Jacob Price and Lucas Bonnett, who were both runners-up. Dan Chandler, who was the 9th Command Chief Master Sergeant for the West Virginia National Guard and Membership Chairman of the American Legion Department of West Virginia, delivered the keynote address. Chandler spoke about his many years of service, war-time experiences, and his domestic work for the Unites States Air Force. He stressed the importance of the First Amendment that grants Americans the right of free speech, and that there are four words that only 318 million people can say: "I am an American!"
Department of Social Sciences Chair Dr. Art DeMatteo, who has helped organize the Constitution Day program for the past thirteen years, was pleased at the large turnout. "This event is more enjoyable every year. I am particularly thankful to Donnie Lambert for all his hard work," he said. DeMatteo also distributed pocket Constitutions and oversaw the drawing for a variety of unique door prizes.
After the ceremony, Chandler joined Lambert, GSC senior and Pi Gamma Mu President, 3rd District Commander Charlie Straley, and Glenville Post 42 Adjutant Chester Shoales as they helped two attendees of the event sign up to be members of the American Legion.
Any student, faculty, or staff member who is currently serving or who honorably served in the United States Armed Forces is eligible to join the American Legion. If you wish to join, stop by the Student Veterans Association office in the Mollohan Campus Community Center for more information or call (304) 462-6056.