The Glenville State College Criminal Justice Program will conduct the Fourth Annual Criminal Justice Camp June 28-July 2, 2010. Students accepted to attend the criminal justice camp will have the opportunity to experience hands-on investigations of a mock crime as well as participate in a mock trial. In processing the mock crime scene, students will learn to fingerprint, use chemical enhancement for trace evidence, casting/molding, photography, interviewing suspects, collecting evidence, and ballistics testing.
Camp organizers will accept a total of fifty high school sophomores, juniors, and seniors to participate in this summer camp to be held on the GSC campus. The week-long camp is funded by a Department of Justice Grant and is free to participants including all meals and lodging. Campers need only to provide their own transportation to and from Glenville State College.
Information and applications for the camp have been sent to all high schools in the state. Students interested in being considered for the criminal justice camp need to complete an application by June 4, 2010.
To apply or for more information, contact Dr. Jami Myers, GSC Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice and Department Chair, at or (304) 462- 6281.