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Glenville State College
Public Relations Department
(304) 462-4115
GLENVILLE, WV - Glenville State College Education majors, Athena Morris and Elizabeth Musselman, along with advisor Tara Cosco recently attended the 2015 Kappa Delta Pi (KDP) iLead Workshop held at Davis and Elkins College in Elkins. Dr. Erin Brumbaugh, Associate Professor of Education at D&E, was the main presenter at the workshop.
According to Kappa Delta Pi's website, the workshop helps members become more effective teacher leaders. Participants take part in small and large group activities designed to help them learn about transformational leadership for educators, including how to create and implement a vision for teacher leadership. In addition to hearing new ideas in leadership, attendees also develop networking and teambuilding skills.
"During the workshop Dr. Brumbaugh showed us a cartoon picture of a mouse and rabbit from the book Good News, Bad News by Jeff Mack. Through discussions of the illustrations, we were reminded that, as leaders, we need to evaluate the things we are doing and to make sure we talk and listen to the other people that would be affected by those decisions. When you are a leader, you are a leader of a team and there is no 'I' in team. That was just one of many things I learned and was reminded of at the Kappa Delta Pi iLead workshop," said Morris.
KDP is an international education honor society where members are invited based on their scholarly achievement and commitment to excellence in the field.
For more information about the workshop or GSC's KDP group, contact Cosco at Tara.Cosco@glenville.edu or (304) 462-6204.