FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 18, 2009
For more information:
Bob Edwards
Public Relations Department Assistant
Glenville State College
Glenville, West Virginia
(304) 462-7361ext. 6390
Glenville, WV—July 4, 2010 will find the Nicholas County High School Marching Band playing for thousands of live spectators and a national television audience as they march down Constitution Avenue in the National Independence Day Parade in Washington, D.C. The NCHS Band will be the first to represent the State of West Virginia in the parade. The band was invited to participate by the parade organizing committee after being nominated for the honor by West Virginia Governor Joe Manchin.
“We are very excited to be asked to represent West Virginia in this national celebration of our Nation’s independence. This will be a wonderful opportunity for our kids to perform before millions and to experience many of the landmarks in the United State’s Capital,” said Roger Akers, Director of the Nicholas County High School Marching Band.
Akers graduated from Glenville State College in December of 2002 with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Music Education. After teaching at Gilmer County High School for a year and a half, he accepted a position at Nicholas County High School as a Music Teacher and Director of the Marching Band. Under His Leadership the NCHS Marching Band has excelled winning numerous band competitions and twice being invited to march at Disney World in Florida.
“I credit Glenville State College for preparing me for my career in Music Education. Everything I know and can teach my kids came from my experience at GSC. Professors Lloyd Bone and John McKinney were instrumental in my development as a music teacher and continue to give me support today,” said Akers.
Akers selected GSC for his college education after being encouraged to consider the school by his music teacher who was a GSC Alum. He is returning the favor by making sure that his students look at Glenville State College as an option to further their education. Currently there are a half dozen of his former students who are members of the GSC Marching Band.
Although the invitation to march in the National Independence Day Parade is a great honor, it does present the NCHS Band with a daunting task of raising $60,000 to pay for the trip. The band has faced the task of fundraising before for their trips to Disney World. What makes this effort even more of a challenge is the current state of the economy. “We understand that for many families paying for this trip would be impossible. So we are leaving no stones unturned in our effort to raise the necessary funds to pay for the trip,” said Akers. The band is appealing to the local community for support. Several raffles are being held and a fruit sale will take place in the spring. Letters have been sent to business leaders and political representatives asking for help in meeting their goal. “We know it will take a lot of work, but we are confident that with the support of the community, we can reach our goal and that our efforts will be rewarded with a once in a lifetime opportunity to be part of this July 4th celebration,” said Akers.
Anyone who would like to donate to the trip can contact Roger Akers at (304) 872 2141 ext.1009 or at You may also send a donation to Nicholas County High School, in care of Roger Akers, 30 Grizzly Lane, Summersville, West Virginia 26651.