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menuFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 7, 2007
For More Information: Annette Barnette
Public Relations and Marketing Director
Glenville State College
Glenville, West Virginia
(304) 462-4115
Glenville, WV -- The Glenville State College Foundation has received a generous gift from Mr. Michael Stein of Palm Beach, Florida. The gift is comprised of the mining and mineral rights in a 643-acre tract situated in Taylor and Barbour Counties. The coal deeded is in the Pittsburgh seam and has an appraised value in excess of $500,000. Dennis Pounds, Vice President for College Advancement and Glenville State College Foundation Executive Director said, “This gift has the opportunity in the near future to add appreciably to the Foundation’s ability to award scholarships to deserving young men and women in Central West Virginia.”
Pounds says Stein has had success in his ventures in West Virginia and has expressed a desire to give back to the area. “With a strong education background himself, he recognizes that a college degree can be the key to growing not only a student’s self esteem, but it can also greatly increase his or her lifetime earning potential while improving the overall economy of the state,” said Pounds. Stein attended the Valley Forge Military Academy and graduated from Harvard College in 1946. He has been widely recognized for his many community and business contributions serving as a founding trustee of the Morris Geriatric Center in Palm Beach as well as the North Shore Long Island Jewish Health Center.
Mr. Stein was the founding Chairman and is currently the Chairman Emeritus of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy. He is currently in the Near East meeting with groups in Saudia Arabia with the Policy Group. Pounds said, “I praise Mr. Stein’s awareness of the need for scholarship assistance in Central West Virginia, and I am encouraged by the example Mr. Stein’s gift has set.”
For more information about the Glenville State College Foundation, call (304) 462-4125.