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menuFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 9, 2009
For more information:
Bob Edwards
Public Relations Department Assistant
Glenville State College
Glenville, West Virginia
(304) 462-7361ext. 6390
Glenville, WV—The Glenville State College Student Activities Board is collecting items for care packages that will be sent specifically to West Virginia servicemen and women serving in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The Glenville State College community and the general public are urged to support the ladies and gentlemen who have given us our freedom by donating items for a care package for our troops. The care packages will be distributed by Any Soldier.com to soldiers who have some type of West Virginia affiliation in their units. Any Soldier.com started as a simple family effort to help the troops who were serving in Iraq. Sergeant Brian Horn of LaPlata, Maryland, an Army Infantry Soldier with the 173rd Airborne Brigade was in the Kirkuk area of Iraq when he started the idea of Any Soldier to help care for his soldiers. He agreed to distribute packages that came to him addressed Atten: ‘Any Soldier’ to soldiers who didn’t get mail. Horn later completed a tour in Afghanistan and is now home, and his sister, Sergeant Svetlana Horn, recently completed a tour in Iraq. Any Soldier.com has quickly blossomed into a support organization which to date has served 1,418,261 American troops.
“We have a lot of veterans here on campus, and it is important to show them and those that are currently serving, that we support and appreciate the sacrifices that they are making,” said Kipp Colvin, GSC Director of Student Activities.
Items needed for care packages include: baby wipes, shampoo, hand sanitizer, wet wipes, foot powder, and beef jerky. Donated items can be dropped off at the GSC Office of Student Life located on the 3rd floor of the Mollohan Campus Community Center in the Student Life Suite 320. The deadline for receiving care package items will be Tuesday, September 22. The GSC Student Activities Board will sort, package, and mail the care packages.
For more information, contact Colvin at (304) 462-7361 ext. `6412 or kipp.colvin@glenville.edu.