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GLENVILLE, WV â Over thirty upcoming Glenville State College freshmen from throughout West Virginia have been awarded scholarships from the GSC Foundation for the 2014-2015 academic school year.
Braxton County residents among the scholarship recipients include: Bonnie Bender of Gassaway, Keturah Cowling and Jacob Haymond of Sutton, Elizabeth Jackson of Frametown, and Jordan Batton of Flatwoods. All five received the Lorena Hefner Scholarship and the John C. Shaw Scholarship. Bender will be majoring in biology and is the daughter of Elizabeth Bender. Cowling will be majoring in criminal justice and is the daughter of Joe and Sherry Cowling. Haymond will be majoring in natural resource management and is the son of Margret Davis. Jackson will be majoring in business and is the daughter of Tela Jackson. Batton will be majoring in business education and is the son of Leasa Crump.
Calhoun County resident Kelsey Jett of Orma received the Helen E. Hunter and Alice M. Singleton Scholarship and the John C. Shaw Scholarship. She will be majoring in mathematics education and is the daughter of Steven and Jenna Jett.
Doddridge County residents receiving scholarships included: Rachel Casteel of West Union, Megan Ruppert of Salem, and Lindsey Travis of New Milton. Casteel received the Helen E. Hunter and Alice M. Singleton Scholarship and the John C. Shaw Scholarship. She will be majoring in mathematics education and is the daughter of Robin Reinig. Ruppert received the Fine Arts Education Scholarship and the John C. Shaw Scholarship. She will be majoring in music and is the daughter of Timothy and Beverly Ruppert. Travis received the Fine Arts Education Scholarship and the John C. Shaw Scholarship. She will be majoring in music and is the daughter of Marvin and Robin Travis.
Fayette County residents receiving scholarships include Breanna Bennett of Fayetteville and Daniel Pritt of Oak Hill. Both received the Helen E. Hunter and Alice M. Singleton Scholarship and the John C. Shaw Scholarship. Bennett will be majoring in music, also received the Fine Arts Education Scholarship, and is the daughter of James and Lori Bennett. Pritt will be majoring in health and physical education and is the son of David Pritt.
Gilmer County residents among the scholarship recipients include: Hannah Roberts of Coxs Mills, Dravin Gibson of Glenville, and Amanda Lamb of Linn. Roberts received the Honors Academic Scholarship, the Alvon F. and Phyllis D. Rohrbough Scholarship, the Howard Burk Scholarship, the Eula Bush Short Scholarship, and the John C. Shaw Scholarship. She will be majoring in biology and is the daughter of Owen and Anita Roberts. Gibson received the Bertha Olsen Scholarship and the John C. Shaw Scholarship. He plans to major in music. Lamb received the Honors Academic Scholarship. She will be majoring in behavioral science and is the daughter of Ronald and Angela Lamb. Additionally, GSC senior biology major Emily Ramezan of Glenville received the Dr. Mary Jo Pribble Scholarship. Ramezan is the daughter of Dave and Janette Ramezan.
Harrison County resident Kolby Abruzzino of Bridgeport received the Honors Academic Scholarship, the General Meritorious Scholarship, and the John C. Shaw Scholarship. He will be majoring in behavioral science and is the son of Tony and Deb Abruzzino.
Jackson County resident Evan Merical of Millwood received the Honors Academic Scholarship, Fine Arts Education Scholarship, and the John C. Shaw Scholarship. He will be majoring in music and is the son of Lonnie and Willard Merical.
Kanawha County residents among the scholarship recipients included Tahje Houston of Charleston and Jesse Austin Broussard of Elkview. Houston received the Gracie Viola Bosely Scholarship, the Holt-Wiant Memorial Scholarship, the Ruth Ann Nedermier Scholarship, the John C. Shaw Scholarship, and the Honors Academic Scholarship. She plans to major in biology and is the daughter of Carolyn Taylor. Broussard received the Honors Academic Scholarship. He plans to major in management and is the son of Kristie Broussard.
Lewis County resident Hannah Barron of Jane Lew received the Roanoke Methodist Scholarship. She will be majoring in graphics and digital media and is the daughter of Charla Barron.
Nicholas County resident Carrie Huffman of Tioga received the John R. and Annie C. Wagner Scholarship, the Turner Science and Math Scholarship, and the John C. Shaw Scholarship. Huffman will be majoring in biology and is the daughter of Rodney and Pamela Huffman.
Pleasants County resident Garrett Furr of Saint Marys received the Charles and Barbara Morgan St. Marys Scholarship and the John C. Shaw Scholarship. Furr will be majoring in social studies education and is the son of James Furr.
Pocahontas County resident Steven Casto of Marlinton received the Clark Jr. and Marjorie Hardman Scholarship. He will be majoring in land surveying technology and is the son of Sara Casto.
Raleigh County resident Nathaniel Adkins of Fairdale received the Isadore Nachman Scholarship and the John C. Shaw Scholarship. He will be majoring in English and is the son of Richard Adkins and Tina Bradford.
Randolph County resident Kayla Palmer of Elkins received the Helen E. Hunter and Alice M. Singleton Scholarship and John C. Shaw Scholarship. She will be majoring in elementary education and is the daughter of Michael and Debora Bates.
Roane County residents receiving scholarships included: Matthew Hayes of Walton, Travis Hammack of Spencer, and Cassandra Williams of Spencer. Hayes received the Stephen S. and Carolyn Dotson Taylor Scholarship, the Claudia Kelly Hays Memorial Scholarship, and the John C. Shaw Scholarship. He will be majoring in social studies education and is the son of Tammy Huffman. Hammack received the Claudia Kelly Hays Memorial Scholarship, the General Meritorious Scholarship, the John C. Shaw Scholarship, and the Honors Academic Scholarship. He will be majoring in music and English and is the son of Fred and Mary Hammack. Williams received the Fine Arts Education Scholarship and the John C. Shaw Scholarship. She will be a general studies major and is the daughter of Patricia Williams.
Upshur County residents receiving scholarships included Skylar Fulton of Rock Cave and Chantelle Leggett of Buckhannon. Fulton received the Helen E. Hunter and Alice M. Singleton Scholarship and John C. Shaw Scholarship. She will be majoring in elementary education and is the daughter of Micky Fulton. Leggett received the 2011 Miss WV Law Enforcement Teen Queen Scholarship. She will be majoring in elementary education and multi-categorical special education and is the daughter of Tammy Leggett.
Webster County resident Amber King of Hacker Valley received the Isadore Nachman Scholarship and the John C. Shaw Scholarship. She will be majoring in English education and is the daughter of Lori King.
Wyoming County resident Courtney Williams of Oceana received the Fine Arts Education Scholarship and the John C. Shaw Scholarship. Williams will be majoring in music and is the daughter of Michelle Williams.
The Lorena Hefner Scholarship is named for Lorena Hefner who was born on September 3, 1908 in Burnsville, West Virginia and was one of eleven children. She graduated from GSC in 1941 and began her teaching career in Braxton County at the Bragg Run School. While never forgetting her roots, she established the Lorena Hefner Scholarship for students attending Glenville State College who are from Braxton County.
The John C. Shaw Scholarship was established in 1985 by John C. Shaw, who was the Glenville State College President from 1901-1908. This scholarship is awarded to academically talented freshmen from West Virginia.
The Helen E. Hunter and Alice M. Singleton Scholarship was established by the two sisters in 1997 to show appreciation for the education that they received from GSC. The scholarship is awarded to students who are entering or who are already enrolled in the teacher education program at Glenville State College with academic promise.
The Honors Academic Scholarship is a component of the GSC Honors Program and is designed to help selected students develop scholarship, creativity, critical thinking, leadership, civic engagement, and academic enrichment in the classroom and beyond. To be eligible, students must have an ACT composite score of 24 or higher and a cumulative high school GPA of 3.5 or higher. Students who successfully complete the GSC Honors Program will receive special distinction on their transcripts and during graduation ceremonies.
The Alvon F. and Phyllis D. Rohrbough Scholarship was established in 1994 by Alvon F. "Nate" and Phyllis D. Rohrbough to provide scholarships to students in the fields of music and biology. Nate was Athletic Director and coach of all sports at GSC from 1926 to 1946.
The Howard Burk Scholarship was established in 2009 in memory of A.M. Burk who taught for 25 terms at Gilmer County High School and in memory of Cora D. Burk. This scholarship supports graduates of GCHS who are pursuing coursework in pre-engineering or pre-medicine at Glenville State College.
The Eula Bush Short Scholarship was established by the family of Eula Bush Short. The scholarship is awarded to students who have graduated from Gilmer County High School with a minimum grade point average of 3.0, a minimum ACT score of 22, and who have participated in extracurricular activities and served as an active community volunteer.
The Dr. Mary Jo Pribble Scholarship was established in 1998 for the support of a student majoring in a science field. The student recipient for this award will be a science major exhibiting academic merit.
The Bertha Olsen Scholarship was established in 1980 in honor of Professor Emerita Bertha E. Olsen, who was a music teacher for 42 years at GSC. This scholarship goes to a student majoring in music.
The Gracie Viola Bosely Scholarship was established in 2005 by the estate of Gracie Viola Bosely. Applicants are required to submit an essay to the Scholarship Committee for review. Awards are made in the following priority: graduates of Grafton High School, other Taylor County residents, and then any other West Virginia resident.
The Holt-Wiant Memorial Scholarship was established by Dr. William W. Davis and Mrs. Mary L. Davis to honor the memories of the Holt and Wiant families who were among the earliest settlers in Gilmer County. Preference will be given to a history student with an interest in West Virginia history.
The Ruth Ann Nedermier Scholarship was established in 1990 by Ruth Ann at the time of her passing. It is for the purpose of general scholarship awards.
The Roanoke Methodist Scholarship was established in 1982 to aid and assist capable students of the United Methodist faith from Lewis County. Preference is given to those students who actively attend a United Methodist Church and exhibit academic proficiency.
The John R. and Annie C. Wagner Scholarship was established in 2006 by the son of John and Annie in memory of his parents. It is awarded to a science major from central West Virginia.
The Turner Science and Math Scholarship was established in 1978 in memory of Byron and Elizabeth Turner. Dr. Turner served as Professor of Chemistry from 1946 to 1976 when he retired from GSC. This scholarship recognizes an outstanding student in science and math.
The Charles and Barbara Morgan St. Marys Scholarship was established in 2013 by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Morgan, both Glenville State College graduates. The scholarship is available for graduates of St. Marys High School majoring in education, business, or computer science.
The Clark Jr. and Marjorie Hardman Scholarship was established in 2010 by Mr. D. Stephen Hardman to honor the memory of his parents. It also recognizes the important role GSC played in their education, pursuits, and accomplishments. This scholarship is awarded by the Land Resources Department. First preference is given to West Virginia residents. The award shall be made to a student beginning their sophomore year that has displayed high academic achievement.
The Isadore Nachman Scholarship was established in 2001 in memory of Isadore Nachman by his late wife, Nataleah Nachman. This scholarship is awarded to a student in the field of journalism or English.
The Stephen S. and Carolyn Dotson Taylor Scholarship was established in 1996. This endowed scholarship provides assistance to students who attend Glenville State College; with first priority given to students from Roane and Ritchie Counties, then Gilmer, Doddridge, and Calhoun Counties. Academic promise and financial need, as well as participation in high school, extra-curricular, community, and church activities are all taken into consideration. The scholarship is renewable for four years given that the student demonstrates acceptable academic performance.
The Claudia Kelly Hays Memorial Scholarship was established in 1997 in memory of Claudia Kelly Hays, a 1952 graduate of Glenville State College and former Roane County teacher. The scholarship was started by her husband, Bernard R. Hays, a Calhoun County native and 1935 Glenville graduate. Recipients are selected from Roane and Calhoun County high schools.
For more information about Glenville State College Scholarships, contact the GSC Foundation at (304) 462-6380.