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menuThe deadline for college students and college bound high school students to apply for state and federal financial aid for the 2010-2011 school year is quickly approaching. All students seeking financial aid must submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). FAFSAs can be submitted at any time but should be submitted by March 1, 2010 for the best consideration to receive state and federal financial aid.
The Glenville State College Financial Aid office has scheduled free workshops at the Robert F. Kidd Library to assist students with electronic filing of their FAFSA. On Monday, February 15 from 3:00-5:00 p.m. and Thursday, February 25 from 3:00-6:00 p.m. financial aid counselors will be at the library to help file FAFSAs.
In addition, on Sunday, February 21, from 2:00-5:00 p.m. the Robert F. Kidd Library is hosting College Goal Sunday (CGS), a volunteer program designed to help low income and first generation students complete their FAFSA. 2010 is the inaugural year for CGS in West Virginia. GSC is one of sixteen College Goal Sunday sites around the state where financial aid experts will provide assistance and information about FAFSA completion to students and their families. To learn more about CGS visit www.collegegoalsundayusa.org.
To complete the FAFSA students will need social security numbers for themselves and their parents and family income for 2009. If 2009 income information is not available a FAFSA can be submitted using estimated information that can be corrected when the actual income information becomes available.
The GSC Financial Aid office will assist you with any questions or concerns you may have about submitting a FAFSA, the FAFSA workshops, or financial aid funds that are available. For more information visit the GSC Financial Aid office on the first floor of Louis Bennett Hall or call (304) 462-4103.