FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 11, 2008
For more information:
Bob Edwards
Public Relations Department Assistant
Glenville State College
Glenville, West Virginia
(304) 462-7361x7610
Glenville, WV—The Glenville State College Fine Arts Department is providing workshops for high school students who will be auditioning for the West Virginia All State Choir. Auditions for the All-State Choir will be held in early March at regional sites. GSC is giving students an opportunity to practice for those auditions.
On February 8th, GSC hosted a workshop for thirty-seven students from eight high schools. On February 15th, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., GSC will hold a second workshop for another twenty-seven students from five different high schools. Each workshop allows the students to practice required selections for the All-State Choir auditions. “We are trying to assist these students in preparing for their auditions. It is also a wonderful opportunity for us to do some recruiting for Glenville State College,” said Dr. Carol Benton, Glenville State College Assistant Professor of Music. In addition to the practice sessions, students attending the workshops are given a tour of the campus by GSC Music Majors, treated to lunch, and receive GSC promotional information.
The West Virginia All-State Choir will attend the 2008 WVMEA State Conference March 27-29 at Ogelby Park in Wheeling. The Choir will be under the baton of Guest Director, Dr. Brad Holcomb of Milikin University of Illinois. The Choir will perform a concert on March 29th at John Marshall High School.
For more information on the GSC Choir Workshops, call Benton at (304) 462-7361 ext.7345 or the GSC Fine Arts Department at (304) 462-4130.