There is still time left to submit the names of the persons you believe should win two prestigious awards to be presented at the Glenville State College Commencement Ceremony on Saturday, May 12, 2007. Nominations for the Student Leadership Award and the Award of Faculty Excellence must be received in the GSC Office of Academic Affairs by Thursday, April 5, 2007.
To be eligible for the Student Leadership Award, nominees must: be a graduating senior receiving the degree at the Spring 2007 commencement (could have completed course work in August 2006 or December 2006), have earned a minimum of 45 hours in course work toward the degree at GSC, have a grade point average of at least 3.0, have made significant contributions to the college community, campus activities, and leadership, and be nominated by an administrator, faculty, staff or student
To be eligible for the Award of Faculty Excellence, nominees must: be a full-time teaching faculty member in a tenure-track position, have provided full-time service as a faculty member at GSC for a minimum of two years, and be nominated by a colleague, student, or staff member.
Nominations for both awards may be submitted in the form of a letter with a short description of the reasons you feel the individual should be considered for the award (one page should be sufficient). For more information, contact the GSC Office of Academic Affairs at 462-4100. Again, all nominations must be received by April 5, 2007.