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For Immediate Release: January 22, 2013
Contact: Dustin Crutchfield
Glenville State College
Public Relations Office
Glenville, West Virginia
(304) 462-4115
GLENVILLE, WV - Staff members from Glenville State College's Robert F. Kidd Library and the Gilmer Public Library invite you to join them, the West Virginia Library Commission, and the West Virginia Center for the Book in the WV Reads 150 reading challenge. West Virginia Reads 150 is designed to celebrate and honor West Virginiaâs sesquicentennial (150th) birthday.
The yearlong reading initiative encourages West Virginians to read 150 books in any format including traditional printed books, e-books, downloadable text, and more during the course of 2013. Books can be on any topic and can be fiction or non-fiction, but they must be read between January 1 and December 31, 2013.
Books can be read individually or through teams to reach the 150 books total. Teams can have up to 15 members, but each team must choose a name and select a leader to keep track of the books read by individual team members.
All ages and groups can participate. If children are too young to read on their own, their parents may read to them. Families may use their completed Summer Reading Program titles as part of their West Virginia Reads 150 tally.
Robert F. Kidd Library Director Gail Westbrook said, "Our staff members are really looking forward to this friendly competition between us and the Gilmer Public Library staff. We are already busy reading at home during any spare time we manage to find."
According to Gilmer County Public Library Director Susan Atkinson, a few different teams from the community have signed up in addition to the group that the library staff has. "The idea is just to get people reading. You usually don't keep track of how many books you read, so it will be interesting to see what kind of numbers these groups reach," Atkinson said. She also adds that the five readers from the public library team will have no trouble making the 150 book goal and that they intend to 'take no hostages' when it comes to winning the competition between them and the RFK Library readers.
To learn more about the program, click here. To download a registration form, click here.
For more information on the WV Reads 150 challenge, contact GSC's Robert F. Kidd Library at (304) 462-4109 or the Gilmer Public Library at (304) 462-5620.