For more information:
Annette Barnette
Public Relations & Marketing Director
Glenville State College
Glenville, West Virginia
(304) 462-4115
Glenville, WV - The 2008 Glenville State College Alumni Day Banquet will take place on Saturday, April 26th. Guests of honor at this year’s event will be: Dr. James L. Hern ’70, Alumnus of the Year; Margaret Miller Goodwin ‘51, Alumni Service Award; Dr. Kevin Evans ’87, Alumni Achievement Award; Marion Reed ’48, Community Service Award; Sharon Low Harper ’71, Outstanding Teacher Award; Mick Hartley ’69, Alumni Chapter Award; Robert J. Butcher ‘41, Posthumous Award; Dr. David Tingler ‘99, Outstanding Young Alumni Award, and George Harper ’70, Distinguished Alumnus in Art. Special recognition will also be given to GSC’s 60 year grads, the Class of 1948, and to Professor James “Jim” Hinter ’69, who recently retired from the College with 35 years of service. Additional details about GSC Alumni Day activities will be released soon. For more information, contact the Glenville State College Alumni Office at (304) 462-4122.