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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 17, 2023
For More Information:
Glenville State University
Public Relations & Marketing
(304) 462-4115
GLENVILLE, WV – Glenville State University faculty, staff, students, alumni, and friends have been celebrating the 151st anniversary of the institution throughout this week. Glenville State’s Founders Day is February 19, which coincides with the annual Founders Day of Giving campaign. The giving campaign focuses on raising money for areas of need on campus such as academics, athletics, scholarships, campus improvements, and more.
“First off, I have to say thank you to those who have already donated. It has been great to see everyone engaging with our giving campaigns so far this week,” said David Hutchison, Vice President of Advancement. “If you have not given yet, there is still plenty of time. And remember, each gift – no matter the size – makes an impact and helps bring us closer to our goals.”
Hutchison notes that the Morris Family Foundation has a generous $500,000 match in place for the Founders Day of Giving. Once $500,000 has been raised, the match is unlocked.
Fundraising projects are in place for each academic department and athletic team, scholarship funds, and specific projects such as theater, education abroad, Alumni Center renovation, the Pioneer Pantry, and more. Several of those projects are well on the way to meeting their fundraising goals.
To contribute, visit give.glenville.edu.
For additional information about the Day of Giving at Glenville State University, contact the GSU Foundation at (304) 462-6380.