Glenville State University students lead in STARLAB exercises at Maryland Elementary School
Mon Sep 23, 2024
 GSU STARLAB participants with “Jimmy” the Goat.  Back L/Rt: Jacey Collins and Sandra Crites Front L/R: Brianna Browning, Malerie Ross, Jayden Cover, Kylie Jackson, Bailea Huddleston, Maddox Lewis
GSU STARLAB participants with “Jimmy” the Goat. Back L/Rt: Jacey Collins and Sandra Crites Front L/R: Brianna Browning, Malerie Ross, Jayden Cover, Kylie Jackson, Bailea Huddleston, Maddox Lewis

Eight GSU pre-service teachers in Dr. Ashley Kooken’s Earth & Space Science for Elementary Education course recently had the opportunity to lead STARLAB learning experiences for over 100 2nd to 5th-grade students at Crellin Elementary in Crellin, Maryland.

The pre-service teachers received training on the Digital STARLAB from Josh Revels at the NASA IV & V facility on September 6th. Following the training, they earned certificates that will enable them to independently check out the STARLAB kit for future classroom use or to host community events.

During the event, students lead hands-on activities, including building constellations, creating personalized Big Dipper finders, and modeling the phases of the moon. These interactive sessions allowed the children to explore new concepts in an engaging way. 

Professor Emeritus Joe Evans initiated this partnership with Crellin during his tenure at GSU, and continues to provide support students in their collaborative initiatives. 

Looking ahead, the Life Science for Elementary Majors are set to visit Crellin on Friday, September 27th, to conduct a hands-on stream study with the 5th graders. Divided into small groups, the pre-service teachers will learn to gather macroinvertebrates, guided by Crellin’s 5th-grade students. 
