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menuFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: March 30, 2017
For More Information:
Glenville State College
Public Relations Department
(304) 462-4115
GLENVILLE, WV - Glenville State College’s campus will be the site of the 2017 meeting of the West Virginia Academy of Science (WVAS). The event will be held on Saturday, April 8.
Organizers expect around 170 students and faculty members from colleges and universities around the state to attend. Interested scholars submitted applications to present their original research or observation in several areas of study, including: biology, chemistry, computer science, engineering, geology, mathematics, mining, physics, psychology, science education, history of science, philosophy of science, social science, health science, and environmental science.
Twelve Glenville State College students are scheduled to present their research results as oral or poster presentations at the meeting. GSC students from the Science and Mathematics Department and the Land Resources Department will be presenting results in the disciplines of biology, chemistry, mathematics, and psychology. Also, the Dr. John Warner Outstanding Teacher Award will be presented to John Brown, a science teacher at John Adams Middle School in Charleston, West Virginia. Brown is a 2011 graduate of GSC, where he majored in mathematics education (5-9) and science education (5-9) and was active in several campus organizations including Chi Beta Phi National Scientific Honorary.
The keynote speaker at the event is Ed Buckbee, a graduate of Potomac State University and West Virginia University, who went on to become a NASA public affairs officer and worked with all the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo astronauts. As the first director of the Alabama Space and Rocket Center, Buckbee assembled and managed the world’s largest space and rocket exhibition, and founded the U.S. Space Camp and Aviation Challenge programs.
The GSC Jazz Band, under the direction of Assistant Professor of Music Jason Barr, will provide entertainment during registration/continental breakfast as well as during lunch.
GSC Professor of Chemistry Dr. Kevin Evans is currently serving as the president of the WVAS. GSC Assistant Professor of Biology Dr. Jeremy Keene is their recording secretary.
For more information, contact (304) 462-4126.