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GLENVILLE, WV - Members of Glenville State College’s Student Government Association recently helped decorate Downtown Glenville for Christmas.
The students hung garland, lights, and bows throughout City Square Park and at the lot near the intersection of Main and Lewis Streets.
“We started really adding more decorations to the Downtown area around three years ago, and we have tried to add a little more as money is available,” said Glenville Mayor Dennis Fitzpatrick. “The decorations we see now are part of that, in addition to the tree under the gazebo and the items on the archway entry into the Park that were generously donated by Terry Ellyson.”

The students who participated said it was a nice way to give back to the community.
“It was a pleasure to be able to help the City of Glenville get in the holiday spirit. I know I can speak for the whole Glenville State College Student Government Association in saying that we are grateful to have been given this wonderful opportunity by Mayor Fitzpatrick. Helping develop a stronger connection to the community not only helps the College, but it also helps our students develop a sense of engagement and belonging. We were more than happy to lend a hand to this great community, had a great time doing so, and look forward to more of these types of opportunities as we move into the new year,” said Student Government Association President, Nic McVaney.
“We really appreciate the SGA members for coming down and helping; the additional manpower certainly made the work go faster,” Fitzpatrick added.
“By having the Student Government Association members volunteer with this project in downtown Glenville, we see benefits to both the students and members of the Glenville community. Being a small college town, having a relationship with the community is imperative and can help bring members of the diverse student body and the members of the community together for a common goal. In Student Government, we strive to instill leadership, service, and relationship building and, through projects like these, we are doing that while also exposing our student leaders to the operations of local government. I look forward to more projects and partnerships like this in the future,” said Director of Alumni Relations, Engagement, and Leadership, Conner Ferguson.