FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 19, 2013
For More Information: Dustin Crutchfield
Public Relations Department
Glenville State College
(304) 462-6394
GLENVILLE, WV â Several Glenville State College Army ROTC cadets traveled to the Louis A. Johnson VA Hospital in Clarksburg, West Virginia on Veterans Day to thank veterans for their service and sacrifices. The visit was targeted toward veterans who were unable to attend other ceremonies in their local communities due to health reasons.
"Looking into their eyes was like looking into a window to the past. What these veterans have seen, I can only imagine. I am proud to be a soldier and follow in their footsteps to protect our great nation. We are truly free because of the brave. I appreciate ROTC for giving me a chance to spend Veterans Day with real American heroes," said senior RBA student Marc Jones of Gassaway (Braxton County), West Virginia.
"I thoroughly enjoyed getting to meet the men whom we hear about in history books. I hope they enjoyed the visit as much as I did and that their Veterans Day was filled with positive feelings," said junior psychology/sociology major Caitlin Gwinn of Pool (Nicholas County), West Virginia.
In total, the GSC ROTC group visited 26 patients at the hospital. Their trip was organized by Louis A. Johnson VA Hospital Voluntary Service Representatives Wesley Walls and Craig Pruitt.
"Their stories of heroism and resiliency brought about some emotional responses from both the vets and our cadets. After the visit, I know the cadets walked away with a greater understanding of the importance of honoring the sacrifices of veterans and their families," said GSC Assistant Professor of Military Science Major Charles Beirne.
For more information about Army ROTC at Glenville State College, contact Beirne at or (304) 462-6287.