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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 11, 2021
For More Information:
Glenville State College
Public Relations & Marketing
(304) 462-4115
GLENVILLE, WV - Glenville State College today observed Veterans Day on campus with a number of events.
A wreath-laying ceremony was held at the campus war memorial. Members of VFW Post 5469 served as flag bearers during the ceremony. Glenville Mayor Dennis Fitzpatrick and Glenville State College President Dr. Mark A. Manchin gave remarks to the crowd, which included members of the campus community, many of whom were veterans or active duty military. Nic McVaney and Cody Dye, both Glenville State music education students, played the National Anthem and Taps.
“As we come together on this eleventh hour, of the eleventh day, of the eleventh month, we remember that freedom is not free,” said Manchin. “Events like these are so important to Glenville State College, our communities, and our nation. We should take the time to express gratitude to our veterans for their sacrifice and service to this country. We truly owe these brave men and women – our United States veterans – a debt of gratitude, and what better day to say thank you than on Veterans Day.”
Following the ceremony, many of those who took part in the wreath-laying ceremony enjoyed a reception in the Mollohan Campus Community Center Ballroom. The reception included a symbolic “Fallen Comrade Table.”
The campus war memorial, which sits on Clark Hall Lawn near the Science Hall, was made possible thanks to the generosity of Glenville State graduate Brigadier General Vorley M. Rexroad, United States Air Force (Retired), and his wife Ruth Cutlip Rexroad. The monument memorializes 23 individuals, Glenville State students, who perished during World War II. It was dedicated in 1995.
The Veterans Day events were organized by Glenville State College’s Veteran Services office.
For more information about Veteran Services at Glenville State, call (304) 462-6155.