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Dustin Crutchfield
Public Relations Department
Glenville State College
(304) 462-6394
GLENVILLE, WV - Students and administrators at Glenville State College teamed up during the month of April to raise awareness about the issue of sexual assault. Members of GSC's Army ROTC program, students in GSC's Sigma Pi Xi criminal justice organization, and various student athletes partnered with the college's Human Resources Department Director during Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) to conduct a host of events to inform and educate students. "Glenville State is dedicated to preventing sexual violence on our campus," said GSC Title IX Coordinator and Chief Human Resources Officer Krystal Smith. "Our goal for these awareness events is to stress an institutional commitment to maintaining a healthy and safe campus environment for all students."
A variety of events were held to promote the awareness campaign. 'Strike Out Violence' events were hosted by the Glenville State College softball and baseball teams at some of their games during the week of April 14th and incorporated a moment of silence and balloon release to honor victims and survivors of sexual assault. Additionally, members of the Army ROTC program were on hand at the Sue Morris Sports Complex to hand out teal wrist bands and informative literature including resources for victims. On April 15th, ROTC members set up a booth in the Mollohan Campus Community Center Rusty Musket and also hosted an informational video session that evening.
ROTC Cadet and GSC junior Travis Nesbitt who assisted in coordinating the events said, "We felt it was important, especially in light of recent high profile civilian and military cases, that we show support. Sexual assault awareness is a concern for everyone and our taking part in events this month is just a small way to help bring attention to it."
The final awareness month event, 'The Clothesline Project', took place on April 24th at Morris Stadium. Survivors and supporters decorated t-shirts that were donated by ROTC and the GSC Office of Student Life. The shirts, which gave vivid testimony to the issue of sexual violence, were then displayed on clotheslines at the annual Pioneer Football Blue and White spring game. Pioneer Football players and coaches wore teal wristbands during the game to show support for the events.
"Statistics tell the story all too well. One in five women and one in 100 men are victims â and that's just in the military community. We hope that by bringing this project on campus and displaying the shirts that it will illustrate just how devastating and life-changing these assaults are," said Nesbitt.
For more information about SAAM events at Glenville State College, contact Smith at Krystal.Smith@glenville.edu or (304) 462-4101. Victims of sexual assault should contact the National Sexual Assault Hotline at (800) 656-4673 for resources and information.