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Glenville State College
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GLENVILLE, WV – Two Glenville State College (GSC) sites are now featured as part of the history and travel app, Clio.
Jason Gum, Director of the Robert F. Kidd Library, has worked to add the two entries. Users of the Clio app can now access the history of the original Clock Tower and Clemons Tower Bell House.
Gum says that having historical information readily available to the public is important, and Clio is able to make history more realistic. “An understanding of our past is vital to the understanding of where we are today and what our future may hold,” Gum said. “The Clio app brings easy access to information regarding the history of physical locations associated with the culture and development of the region. This provides GSC with the opportunity to highlight its historic structures in such a way that is easily presentable to the public who use the app.”
He hopes to involve students in Glenville State’s new Appalachian Studies program with writing additional Clio entries in the future. Gum would be able to add entries as training mechanisms for both faculty and students, and work with professors to implement it into their coursework. “There is so much that could be added to Clio about Glenville State College and our local area. I can see dozens of additional options out there,” he said.
With information about Glenville State College available on the app, anyone with Clio will be able to find and read the entries about the iconic Bell Tower or be able to see any future entries about the College’s rich history. Gum also wrote an additional Clio entry on the Gilmer County Fairgrounds.
Clio was founded by David Trowbridge, a professor of history at Marshall University. The app got its name from the ancient Greek muse of history and boasts over 37,000 entries across the United States. Clio is available for download on the Google Play store and the Apple App Store.