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GLENVILLE, WV – The 2021 Glenville State College (GSC) Faculty Award of Excellence recipient is Professor of Chemistry Dr. David O’Dell. O’Dell was recognized at the Spring 2021 Commencement Ceremony on Saturday, May 8.
“Being selected as recipient of the Faculty Award of Excellence is really a humbling experience in that I feel inspired to work even harder to live up to the award. I was especially pleased when I heard President Manchin reading the comments from the student nomination letters, knowing that my nomination was likely spearheaded by students,” said O’Dell. “It was great to hear comments from students about how they appreciated being held to a high academic standard.”
O’Dell has taught in higher education for 25 years and been a faculty member at Glenville State College since 2007. He received his Bachelor of Arts degree from Berea College, and both his Master of Science degree and Ph.D. from The University of Tennessee, Knoxville. He was a post-doctoral researcher at Oak Ridge National Laboratory prior to starting his career in higher education. At GSC, O’Dell teaches classes in astronomy, modern physics, and inorganic, analytical, and physical chemistry.
Outside of his obligations, O’Dell has served two terms as Faculty Senate President and several years as vice-chair to the Assessment Committee. He currently serves on GSC’s Higher Learning Commission Leadership Team, chairing the section for Criterion 3, Teaching and Learning: Quality, Resources, and Support. He is married to Connie Stout O’Dell, who serves as Associate Professor of Education and Chair of the Education Department at Glenville State. His stepson Nathan Stout is entering a master’s program at Ashland University this fall.
“One of the things I love about teaching at GSC is that we’re large enough to get a great mix of students and we’re small enough to know that we have a great mix of students. We have opportunities to get to know our students well, and the campus atmosphere allows faculty and students to get to know each other outside the classroom setting,” said O’Dell.
Each spring, the campus community is invited to nominate an outstanding faculty member for this award. Faculty Award of Excellence recipients must be full-time and have taught at GSC for at least two years to be eligible. Names of the honorees are displayed on a permanent plaque in the Heflin Administration Building.