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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 21, 2020
For More Information:
Glenville State College
Public Relations Department
(304) 462-4115
GLENVILLE, WV - Glenville State College (GSC) has announced new data regarding active COVID-19 cases on campus.
“Many members of our Glenville State College staff, along with the Gilmer County Health Department and our partners at Minnie Hamilton Health Systems, have been working to gather information and share it as it becomes available. Throughout this pandemic we have tried to be as transparent as possible and will continue to do so,” said Glenville State College President Dr. Mark Manchin.
The College reports 11 positive active cases in addition to 101 individuals in self-quarantine. Of those who have tested positive or are in self-quarantine, most are reporting either mild or no symptoms. No individual has required hospitalization.
Students in self-quarantine are being monitored for symptoms as well as having other needs tended to, such as laundry, trash pickup, medication, snacks, etc., by Glenville State College staff members. Scheduled meal deliveries are also taking place for students in self-quarantine on campus.
Out of an abundance of caution, all in-person social activities will be paused on campus until further notice. Academic coursework will continue as previously arranged.
A GSC COVID-19 Dashboard, located here, will be accessible soon and house up-to-date case data.
The ongoing screening and testing procedures designed to identify those who may have the virus, alongside continual and thorough cleaning being carried out by GSC Physical Plant staff, will continue.
Students, faculty, and staff are reminded to continue wearing a face covering, practice good hand hygiene, avoid unnecessary travel, and practice social distancing.