FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: December 21, 2020
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Glenville State College
Public Relations Department
(304) 462-4115
GLENVILLE, WV – Glenville State College (GSC) alumni gathered in person and virtually for the 2020 Alumni Banquet on Saturday, December 12 in the Mollohan Campus Community Center Ballroom. The GSC Alumni Association traditionally presents its awards in April, but the ceremony was initially postponed due to COVID-19 before being rescheduled.

The prestigious Alumnus of the Year Award was presented to George Y. Kerr, a native of Clendenin, West Virginia. The award is given to a graduate of Glenville State College for outstanding contributions in their chosen field or for outstanding personal accomplishments. Kerr worked as a music teacher for both the Wetzel and Kanawha County Boards of Education and as a sales representative for Gorby’s Music. He also operated Kerr’s Music World, Inc., a musical instrument retailer. All told, he has devoted nearly 57 years to the education and retail business fields. While a student at GSC, Kerr was a member of the marching band, concert band, jazz big band, concert choir, and the chamber choir. He received his bachelor’s degree in Education from GSC in December 1962.
“When I opened the envelope from Glenville State College I was shocked to read that I had been selected to receive the Alumnus of the Year award. From 1958 to 2020 and spanning parts of eight decades, to be the person selected is very surprising. I would like to thank the Glenville State College Alumni Council for this selection and those who nominated me. I am truly honored and realize that this award was mostly achieved because of the opportunities and teachers I had at Glenville State College, the numerous GSC graduates and other music teachers who allowed Kerr’s Music World to serve their musical needs, the present superior music faculty at Glenville State College, and my family who were shoulder-to-shoulder working with me over the years at Kerr’s Music World,” Kerr said.

The Community Achievement Award was presented to Judith “Judy” (Davisson) Leggett. This award is given to a graduate who has distinguished themselves in their chosen field. Leggett is currently serving as the general music, band, and chorus instructor at Gilmer County Elementary School. She has had a career in education spanning over 40 years. She has served a stint as the itinerant music teacher for Roane and Gilmer Counties, Homebound Instructor, a GEAR UP Grant Liaison, Math Interventionist, and as a Substitute Teacher in Doddridge County Schools. While a student at GSC, Leggett was a majorette and a member of the concert, marching, and pep bands and the concert choir. She also participated in the cultural affairs committee, Kappa Delta Pi, Music Educator’s National Conference (MENC), and served as the secretary of the WV Collegiate MENC. In 1978, she earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in Music Education (K-12) from GSC and later went on to earn her Master of Arts degree in Communication Studies from West Virginia University in 1988.
“GSC has always, always given to the community and to the children and worked to build up the children in the community. And that’s simply what I hope to do through my teaching. I tell my students, even if you don’t go on to become professional musicians, I want you to be responsible people and to learn to be yourself and support the others around,” Leggett said.

The Alumni Service Award was presented to Dennis Carpenter. This award is reserved for those who continue to give their all to the College. Carpenter recently completed his two-year tenure as President of the Glenville State College Alumni Association. During his time as President, the Association expanded its reach and activities, formed several new alumni chapters, created ways to bring graduates and future Pioneers together, and more. Carpenter spent his career in education, having served as a teacher, coach, and administrator in Roane County Schools. He also served as the Director of the Roane-Jackson Technical Center until his retirement. While a student at GSC he was very active in the Theta Xi fraternity. He graduated from GSC in December 1973, with his bachelor’s degree in social studies education (7-12). He later went on to earn his master’s degree in educational leadership from the West Virginia College of Graduate Studies.
“My time on the Alumni Council has been incredibly positive and very rewarding. Glenville State College continues to give to me, many friends. It also gives me the opportunity to reacquaint with many of my old friends. I am blessed to have been given the opportunity to serve with such distinguished and honorable alumni,” Carpenter said.

The Outstanding Teacher Award was presented to Kayla (Boggs) White. This award is given to someone who has distinguished themselves during their teaching career. White is currently teaching English, journalism, and yearbook at Elkins High School in Randolph County, West Virginia. She has been at the school for the last six years. Before accepting her current position, she had stints teaching at Belington Middle School, Buckhannon-Upshur High School, and Tygarts Valley Middle/High School. While a student at GSC, White was a cheerleader, member of the Alpha Theta Xi sorority, member of the Student Education Association, a Resident Assistant, a member of the campus newspaper staff, Trillium editorial staff, and was the 2008 Homecoming Queen. In 2009, she earned her Bachelor of Arts in Education degree in Secondary English Education (K-12).
“I am truly honored and humbled to receive this award. I have a great sense of pride as an educator, especially a public educator. I learned that pride from Glenville State College. I will always be proud to be a teacher and to have received my teaching degree from Glenville State College,” White said.

The Outstanding Young Alumna Award was presented to Alexandria “Alex” Lay. This award is presented to a female graduate who has achieved early and remarkable success in her career. Lay is currently serving as an Attorney in the Energy and Natural Resources Department at the law firm of Steptoe & Johnson PLLC in Charleston, West Virginia. She works in the areas of oil and gas, coal, and renewable transactions. While a student at GSC, she was a member of the Student Government Association where she held the positions of secretary and commuter representative. As a member of the Student Government Association, she was able to serve on the College’s retention and curriculum committees. In the summer of 2007, Lay participated in the study abroad program and traveled to Madrid, Spain. In 2008, she graduated Summa Cum Laude from GSC with her Bachelor of Arts degree in History. After graduating from GSC, she attended the Washington & Lee University School of Law where she earned her Juris Doctor degree. She was named among the 2019 Forty Under 40 in the Oil and Gas Industry by Hart Energy and has participated in several speaking engagements.
In her remarks, Lay recalled several instances during her time as a GSC student when her professors went the extra mile to make sure she could sign up for a certain class, participate in a study abroad experience, and more. “That is the type of personalized experience and opportunity for growth that a small school like Glenville State can offer its students,” she said. Lay added, “I’ve come to really appreciate all of the people, past and present, who provided me with positive and constructive feedback and encouragement and who’ve really gone out of their way to help me in my career journey.”

The Outstanding Young Alumnus Award was presented to Kyle Warner. This award is presented to a male graduate who has achieved early and remarkable success in his career. Warner is currently serving as the Controller for Stonewall Jackson Memorial Hospital in Weston, West Virginia. In this position, he supervises the accounting staff and manages the financial statements, cash flow, and financial reporting. In September 2020, he was named the hospital’s Employee of the Month for his work ethic and positivity.
Before joining the staff at Stonewall, he worked for Ernst & Young (EY), LLC in their Charleston, West Virginia office. During his five years with EY, he navigated through a successful Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) inspection by presenting complex areas and addressing questions to PCAOB while being the Senior Level 3 Auditor of a $6 billion bank. While with the firm, he was recognized with numerous performance awards for his high quality audits and exceptional client service.
At GSC, Warner was a member of the Pioneer Football Team where he served as a Captain and 3-year starter, was President of the Professional Business Leaders of America, served as a tutor, and was a Resident Assistant at Pioneer Village. He received his Bachelor of Science in Business Administration degree in 2014 in Accounting and Management.
“Glenville means everything to me and I wouldn’t be where I am today without Glenville State. I learned responsibility, I leaned about maturity, and how to be a man. The supporting cast I had while I was here was second to none, including Cheryl McKinney who was really the catalyst to my success and my coaches who taught me along the way, Sherry Jones, Gary Arbogast, and Becky Swisher…they all helped me get to where I am now,” he said.

The Alumni Chapter Award was presented to Antonio “Tony” Franklin, Sr. This award is presented, as needed, to an individual or to the chapter itself for contribution in support and development of the Glenville State College Alumni Association. Franklin is currently serving as the Associate Director of the University of Illinois Extension. In that role, he is a member of the core administrative team that provides leadership and vision to the Illinois Extension. He oversees logistical operations, including supervising the field-based leadership team as well as providing leadership for the organizational develop of Illinois Extension unites. He serves as the Affirmative Action/Equal Employment Opportunity Officer for the Extension. While a student at GSC, Franklin was a member of the 1973 NAIA Division II National Runner-up football team, played intramural sports, was a Student Lobbyist with the Student Government Association, chaired the Social Work Club, was a member of the Blacks United Together group, played in the marching band, wrote for the school newspaper, and participated in campus plays. In addition to his degree from GSC in 1976, he holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Education and a Master of Science degree in Physical Education from the University of New Mexico.
“I want to acknowledge a friend of mine, Tim Cunningham. He spearheaded the idea for an African American alumni group and we started our first black history program at Glenville a couple years ago,” Franklin said. He added, “Some of the friendships that I forged at GSC still exist today. We still get together on a monthly basis just to chitchat and check up on each other.”

As part of the program, Maureen (Kraus) Gildein ‘82, President of the GSC Alumni Association and master of ceremonies for the event, paid tribute to six graduates of the College who recently passed away. Being recognized in memoriam were: Robert “Bob” Gainer ‘61, Coach Bill Hanlin ‘53, Penny (Sizemore) Mossor ‘78, JoAnn (McNemar) Richards ‘52, Dean Strickland ‘65, and Gary Waggoner ‘64. Family representatives were invited to attend and receive a memorial plaque during the ceremony.
For more information about Alumni Relations at Glenville State College or to nominate a graduate for one of the Alumni Association’s awards, contact Director of Alumni Relations Conner Ferguson via e-mail at Conner.Ferguson@glenville.edu, by phone locally at (304) 462-6116, or toll-free at (866) 239-0285.
View the awards ceremony here: